(S2) Total organic carbon, UK'37 index and derived sea surface temperature ba...
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Downward particle fluxes measured in neutrally buoyant PELAGRA sediment traps...
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Underway Thorium-234 measurements during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXV/3 (LOHAFEX...
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Carbon/Thorium ratios from sediment traps during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXV/3 ...
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Carbon/Thorium ratios from in situ pumps during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXV/3 (...
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Calculated downward export flux based on surface thorium depletion and assumi...
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Vertical profiles of Thorium-234 relative to Uranium-238 activity measured du...
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Net community production estimates from underway O2:Ar measurement during POL...
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Net community production, Thorium-234 activity and particle flux during the S...
A closed eddy core in the Subantarctic Atlantic Ocean was fertilized twice with two tons of iron (as FeSO4), and the 300 km2 fertilized patch was studied for 39 days to test... -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/059-2
The concentrations of sedimentary 231Pa, 238U, 230Th, and 232Th were jointly measured by isotope dilution in a co-operation between AWI and Heidelberg University with... -
(Table A1+A2) 230Th, 231Pa, 9Be, and 10Be in particle size fractions of surfa...
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(Figure 3c) 230Th, 231Pa and 231Pa/230Th activity ratios of sediment core PS1...
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(Figure 3b) 230Th, 231Pa and 231Pa/230Th activity ratios of sediment core PS1...
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(Figure 3a) 230Th, 231Pa and 231Pa/230Th activity ratios of sediment core PS1...
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Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core SO213/2_82-1
The concentrations of sedimentary 231Pa, 238U, 230Th, and 232Th were jointly measured by isotope dilution in a co-operation between AWI and Heidelberg University with... -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/104-1
The concentrations of sedimentary 231Pa, 238U, 230Th, and 232Th were jointly measured by isotope dilution in a co-operation between AWI and Heidelberg University with... -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/100-4
The concentrations of sedimentary 231Pa, 238U, 230Th, and 232Th were jointly measured by isotope dilution in a co-operation between AWI and Heidelberg University with... -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core SO213/2_76-2
The concentrations of sedimentary 231Pa, 238U, 230Th, and 232Th were jointly measured by isotope dilution in a co-operation between AWI and Heidelberg University with... -
Dissolved Pa-231, Th-230, and Th-232 in the Western N-Atlantic during the exp...
Five water column profiles were sampled under trace metal clean conditions during the expedition of RV Pelagia (GEOTRACES Cruise A02) on a transect following the North Atlantic... -
Radionuclides from sediment trap Weddell_Sea_3
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