SPIDER-1 measurements (LP, GPS, SMILE) inside an aurora
A series of CSV files containing some of the measurements performed by the SPIDER-1 sounding rocket inside an aurora. The rocket was launched at 21:09UT on February 2nd 2016... -
Parameteriserad finita element-modell för S&C Benchmark i Matlab och Abaqus-f...
A finite element model of a 60E1-R760-1:15 turnout with parameterised rail pad and ballast properties for simulation Benchmark purposes. The matlab script WriteAbaqus_210927... -
Dataset relaterat till processövervakning och tillståndsövervakning av en lag...
In the article (Ahmer, M., Sandin, F., Marklund, P. et al., 2022), we have investigated the effective use of sensors in a bearing ring grinder for failure classification in the... -
Potentiella indikatorer på tillgång till solenergi i stadsplanering - Mätvärd...
The data contains results of a study that analysed solar access metrics for urban planning purposes. The purpose was to evaluate metric correlations to find suitable simple... -
Vindtunnelmätningar för stickade vindbarriärprototyper
This data was gathered for a study that focused on knitted textiles since they have several properties that offer potentials for wider applications within the built environment.... -
Kartläggning av tillämpningar av EPC data
We performed systematic mapping of EPC data applications by time, geographical spread, data features & auxiliary data used, problem domains addressed and complexity of...