Spin structure of magnetic exchange springs wound at remanence
In a soft magnetic material the directions of the internal magnetic moments are easily changed by an external magnetic field while in a hard magnetic material they are not. In a... -
Measuring strains in geologically important hydrous minerals
We request 4 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to measure the elastic behaviour of polycrystalline samples of gypsum, antigorite, and talc as a function of uniaxial load. All three... -
Cobalt phase analysis and internal strain under thermomechanical loading: all...
The present proposal leans on the study of the elastoviscoplastic behavior of a polycrystalline Co by neutron diffraction (ENGIN-X) in line with theoretical investigations : 4... -
Study of structural and phase transitions of carbon dioxide confined in the n...
When fluids are confined in pores with dimensions in the nanoscale, their properties differ from the bulk mainly due to the solid-fluid interactions and the finite pore size.... -
Measuring big molecules on TS2 - a case study
We propose to measure one or two big molecule systems. The aim of the experiment is to enable us to progress with single crystal data analysis using Mantid and also to provide a... -
Measuring phospholipid flip-flop rates across vesicle bilayers
Asymmetry across biological membranes is vital for a wide range of organelle and cellular functions. Significant differences in lipid composition have been found between the... -
Measuring the structure of a poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) gel layer under compress...
Polymers adsorbed or otherwise attached to interfaces provide an extremely powerful tool to control the forces that act between interfaces. The functionality of these attached... -
Does spinodal dewetting proceed by peristalsis?
We shall demonstrate the use of neutron reflectometry to obtain three-dimensional structures in a non-invasive experiment. Spinodal dewetting is one of the few areas where... -
Does spinodal dewetting proceed by peristalsis?
We shall demonstrate the use of neutron reflectometry to obtain three-dimensional structures in a non-invasive experiment. Spinodal dewetting is one of the few areas where... -
Random and Systematic Errors in Measuring the Lattice Parameters of a Dissimi...
Dissimilar metal weld (DMW) joints are widely used in nuclear power plants to connect ferritic steel components with austenitic steel piping systems. AREVA has designed a new... -
Measuring strains in low-symmetry, crystal-chemically complex, hydrous minerals
We request 4 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to measure the development of elastic strains in geologically important minerals as a function of uniaxial load. We wish to perform... -
A Unique Method of Measuring Antioxidant Capacity
In a previous experiment (RB910492) we have made preliminary measurements of the rates of addition of muonium to vitamins C and E, as suggested by the ISIS panel. These rates... -
A Method of Measuring Antioxidant Capacity
In a previous experiment (RB910492) we have made preliminary measurements of the rates of addition of muonium to vitamins C and E, as suggested by the ISIS panel. These rates...