SPIDER-1 measurements (LP, GPS, SMILE) inside an aurora
A series of CSV files containing some of the measurements performed by the SPIDER-1 sounding rocket inside an aurora. The rocket was launched at 21:09UT on February 2nd 2016... -
Parameteriserad finita element-modell för S&C Benchmark i Matlab och Abaqus-f...
A finite element model of a 60E1-R760-1:15 turnout with parameterised rail pad and ballast properties for simulation Benchmark purposes. The matlab script WriteAbaqus_210927... -
Dataset relaterat till processövervakning och tillståndsövervakning av en lag...
In the article (Ahmer, M., Sandin, F., Marklund, P. et al., 2022), we have investigated the effective use of sensors in a bearing ring grinder for failure classification in the... -
Potentiella indikatorer på tillgång till solenergi i stadsplanering - Mätvärd...
The data contains results of a study that analysed solar access metrics for urban planning purposes. The purpose was to evaluate metric correlations to find suitable simple... -
Vindtunnelmätningar för stickade vindbarriärprototyper
This data was gathered for a study that focused on knitted textiles since they have several properties that offer potentials for wider applications within the built environment.... -
Kartläggning av tillämpningar av EPC data
We performed systematic mapping of EPC data applications by time, geographical spread, data features & auxiliary data used, problem domains addressed and complexity of... -
Ball Screw Drive Surface Defect Dataset for Classification
The dataset contains of 21835 150x150 Pixel RGB images of the surface of Ball Screw Drives. 11075 of these images are images without surface defects whereas the rest shows... -
Simulink model for FWMAV
MATLAB Simulink and mfile to run the Simulink are uploaded. They are used to validate the mathematical model for a motor actuated FWAMV and to estimate performance of the model... -
Version: Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition Platform: Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) Code 1: RSPA-2020-0874R1_Cooling stages.nb This file contains the code for... -
Scalar Transport in arrays of cylinders
These directories contain the data sets and Matlab scripts required to generate figures 3, 4 and 6 in the article "The transfer and transport of a passive scalar within an...