PROMISE: Stimulus contrast, pursuit mode, and age strongly influence tracking...
The data presented here were collected as part of the PROMISE project. Deposited data: CosineSimilarity.csv: CSV file containing the cosine similarity for the collected data... -
Prevention of severe infectious complications after colorectal surgery using ...
The dataset comprises all data collected for the PreCaution trial (see "Related Publication"). Data from 78 included patients is stored, all data are anonymized and individuals... -
Limburg Twin Study
The Limburg Twin Study started in 2014 in the East-Limburg Hospital (ZOL) in Genk and will expand to the Belgium Province Limburg. The study is focusing on environmental effects... -
Replication Data for: The effect of a hiding box on stress levels and body we...
While staying in an animal shelter, cats may suffer from chronic stress which impairs health and welfare. Offering hiding opportunities can significantly reduce behavioural... -
Test Seeing a Doctor
Data underlying 'A Test Seeing a Doctor' -
Up-regulating sexual arousal and down-regulating disgust while watching porn ...
Sexual response occurs when sexual excitatory factors outweigh inhibitory factors. Problems with sexual arousal may come at play when sexual excitation is too low and/or... -
Developmental and age differences in visuomotor adaptation across the lifespan.
In the present cross-sectional study, we examined age and sex differences in sensorimotor adaptation. We tested 253 individuals at a local science museum (NEMO Science Museum,... -
QURNAS: Quantitative enrichment of aberrant splicing events in targeted RNA-s...
QURNAS is a tool to quantify RNA splicing events from RNA-seq data. It will generate a file with all splicing events detected in the samples analysed which includes the number... -
Improving shared decision making and risk communication Involving all patien...
For limited health literate patients with increased risk on chronic diseases, we seek to answer the following questions: 1. What is the current state of the art in key... -
Needs Assessment FAIR and Open Science
This dataset contains the results of a survey among researchers at the UMCU into the barriers they experience when sharing data and software themselves, and reusing data that is... -
Data for Figure 5 of Quantification of deep medullary veins at 7 T brain MRI
Data for Figure 5 of "Quantification of deep medullary veins at 7 T brain MRI", DOI: 10.1007/s00330-016-4220-y. Caption: Venous density map of 30 aged individuals (17 male; 70... -
The neural correlates of Resilience
Stress-induced changes in functional brain connectivity have been linked to the etiology of stress-related disorders. Resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) is especially... -
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm-Express Biobank Study (database including clinical ...
Background The Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm-Express Biobank Study (AAA) started in 2003 and and now includes over 1,000 patients who underwent open surgical repair of arterial... -
Pitfalls in quantifying exploration in reward-based motor learning: simulated...
When learning a movement based on binary success information, one is more variable following failure than following success. Theoretically, the additional variability post... -
Factors influencing the use of therapeutic footwear in persons with diabetes ...
Background Persons with diabetes mellitus (DM) and loss of protective sensation (LOPS) due to peripheral neuropathy do not use their therapeutic footwear (TF) consistently. TF... -
OCT in BCC diagnosis
Non-invasive diagnostic strategies, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) enable detailed examination of skin tissue architecture and have potential for identification and... -
Als niet alles is wat het lijkt: Praten met patiënten en naasten over zingevi...
De bijvoegde documenten betreffen: - een samenvatting van het project en de voornaamste resultaten - gebruiksvoorwaarden data - Eindverslag ZonMw gehele project (op aanvraag) -... -
A hybrid additive manufacturing platform to create bulk and surface compositi...
Scaffolds with gradients of physico-chemical properties and controlled 3D architectures are crucial for engineering complex tissues. These can be produced using multi-material... -
Internalizing Symptoms Associate with the Pace of Epigenetic Aging in Childhood
This study is part of a larger ongoing longitudinal study called BIBO, which is run by prof. Carolina de Weerth at Radboud UMC. This paper describes associations between... -
Data and R Scripts for: "Transcriptome network analysis implicates CX3CR1-pos...
This dataset contains the processed RNA sequencing data of purified CD1c-positive conventional type 2 dendritic cells (CD1c+ cDC2s), functional enrichment analysis, manual and...