Inorganic ion and metabolite concentrations in tissue of marine invertebrates...
Laboratory experiments were conducted in the climate chambers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the time between March and November 2018. Experiments were... -
Inorganic ion concentrations in bodyfluids of marine invertebrates exposed to...
Laboratory experiments were conducted in the climate chambers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the time between March and November 2018. Experiments were... -
Temperature responses of different functional traits in Arctic phytoplankton
This study was conducted in autumn/winter 2021/2022 at the laboratory of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute Bremerhaven. To assess temperature response patterns of various functional... -
Temperature effects on the physiology of photosynthesis and respiration in Ph...
Phaeodactylum tricornutum strain CCAP 1052/1A was cultivated at 6°C and 15°C under controlled conditions (32 salinity, F/2 medium, 400 µatm pCO2, 100 µmol photons m-2 s-2 light... -
Basic hydrochemical data from spring and river samples from the Rovte region,...
Water samples from six carbonate springs and one river in the Rovte region, central Slovenia, were analyzed for their hydrochemical properties. Data were collected on discharge... -
Salinity tolerance study details with means and variances of parameters compi...
All studies included in the meta-analysis are listed with study details such as experimental design, species studied, number of replicates, salinity levels and mean values and... -
Grain size characteristics of sediment core PG2201 from Lake Malaya Chabyda, ...
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Trace element data from spring, river, and precipitation samples from the Rov...
Water samples from springs, a river, and precipitation in the Rovte region, central Slovenia, were analyzed for their trace metal concentrations. The sampling campaign covered... -
Inorganic and organic biogeochemical data from seagrass vegetated sediment co...
The dataset includes the porewater, surface water, and sediment geochemical data associated with the publication The unique biogeochemical role of carbonate-associated organic... -
Thalassiosira rotula culture experiments for the assessment of phytoplankton ...
Three culture experiment on the diatom Thalassiosira rotula were conducted within two 2L-photobioreactors under controlled conditions of light and temperature (20 ± 0.02 °C).... -
(Table 4) Geochemistry on phases from DSDP Leg 92 holes basalts
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Silver quantification with Raphidocelis subcapitata at day 3 in 5 different m...
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Laboratory particle reflectivity measurements of hollow glass microsphere pro...
We commissioned laboratory evaluations of several available hollow glass microsphere products. Covalent Metrology made reflectivity measurements for 3M™ K1 and Potters... -
Effect of serum on the structure of gene delivery vehicles
To date complexes prepared from vesicles composed of dichain, cationic lipids (L) with negatively charged DNA (D), known as LD complexes have emerged as one of the major... -
Depth Profile of High Hole-Mobility Polymer/Fullerene-derivative Bilayers for...
Advantages of using organic materials as the active layer in photovoltaics include their suitability for low cost and large area processes and their mechanical flexibility. In... -
Comparison of Adsorption at the Native Aluminium Oxide/Oil and Alumina/Oil In...
In this proposal we investigate the suitability of a-alumina as a model for the natural oxide formed on aluminium metal. Alumina is often used as a model for the metal system... -
Proton Zero Point Energy Effects on the Folding of Proteins
Earlier experiment at ISIS have shown that water responds to the distortion of the hydrogen bond network by delocalizing some of the protons in the vicinity of the defects. That... -
Search for high pressure phase transitions in Bi0.8Ln0.2FeO3 (Ln = La and Tb)
The crystal and magnetic structures of two substituted variants of the multiferroic phase BiFeO3 will be studied as a function of pressure. Both Bi0.8La0.2FeO3 and... -
Polymer brush profiles using off-specular reflection from the walls of trenches
Nature frequently uses charged, weak-polyelectrolyte brushes at interfaces to control surface function and properties; surface wetting, lubrication, to limit deposition of... -
Measuring the intrinsic Density of Nanoconfined Liquids
Despite abundant research on nanoconfined liquids, determining the density, which is a key property of the liquid, remains an open problem. All the previously explored...