Stable isotopes measured on benthic foraminifera of DSDP Hole 94-609B, raw data
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Stable isotope record of Melonis pompilioides and M. barleeanus of IODP Site ...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. -
(Table 3) Dead benthic foraminifera in surface sediments from the eastern Sou...
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(Table 2) Live benthic foraminifera in surface sediments from the eastern Sou...
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Benthic foraminifera distribution of sediment core GIK17957-2
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Live benthic foraminifera in South Atlantic surface sediments
Fluffy layer = -0.05 m sediment depth. For faunal composition of samples GeoB4901-6, GeoB4906-5, GeoB4909-4 and GeoB4913-4 see Licari et al. 2003, dataset:... -
Dead benthic foraminifera in South Atlantic surface sediments
Fluffy layer = -0.05 m sediment depth. -
Benthic foraminifera abundance of Hole 47-397
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Benthic foraminifera counts of IODP Hole 344-U1381C
Benthic foraminifera (>125 µm fraction) were analysed in sediment samples from Hole U1381C (08°25.7027′N; 84°09.48′W, 2064.6 m water depth) located off Costa Rica (East... -
Benthic foraminifera counts of ODP Site 202-1242
This dataset contains the benthic foraminiferal counts from ODP Site 1242 including foraminifera of the Extinction group. The sediment samples of ~ 4 cc and 1 cm in thickness... -
Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 146-892D
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Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 146-892A
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Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 146-891B
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Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 146-891A
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Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 146-889A
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Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 146-888B
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Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 146-888A
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Benthic foraminifera assemblages from ODP Site 175-1085
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Range table from benthic foraminifers in ODP Hole 175-1075A
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Monospecific benthic δ18O data from Cape Hatteras and Blake Outer Ridge durin...
This dataset contains monospecific benthic δ18O data from cores that form depth transects at Cape Hatteras and Blake Outer Ridge. Data is from either the Mid-Holocene or LGM and...