Semi-quantitative microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) - Wadden Se...
In order to monitor long-term variability in or eventual change of the planktonic community a semiquantitative analysis of microplankton based on net sampling is ongoing since... -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
0 = not present / 1 = present -
Phytoplankton biovolume in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2007
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Phytoplankton biosurface in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2007
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Phytoplankton biomass as carbon in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea i...
This dataset has no description
Phytoplankton abundance in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea in 2007
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(Table 1) Diatom and silicoflagellate relative abundance in ODP Hole 207-1260A
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Phytoplankton abundance during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV13
Phytoplankton samples were taken by bottles from different depths between 0 - 150 m with up to 2 replicates per depth horizon. Samples were concentrated by back filtration using... -
Phytoplankton biomass during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV13
Phytoplankton samples were taken by bottles from different depths between 0 - 150 m with up to 2 replicates per depth horizon. Samples were concentrated by back filtration using... -
Phytoplankton abundance during Mikhail Lomonosov cruise ML47
Phytoplankton samples were taken by bottles from different depths between 0 - 150 m with up to 15 replicates per depth horizon. Samples were concentrated by back filtration... -
Phytoplankton biomass during Mikhail Lomonosov cruise ML47
Phytoplankton samples were taken by bottles from different depths between 0 - 150 m with up to 15 replicates per depth horizon. Samples were concentrated by back filtration... -
Microfossil abundance of Hole 44-390A
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Relative abundance of diatoms in surface sediments
This dataset has no description
Phytoplankton biovolume at time series station Helgoland Roads, North Sea, in...
Investigator of phytoplankton samples: Silvia Peters