EPI-MUS - Risk- och skyddsfaktorer för sjuklighet i rörelseorganen och presta...
The study group consisted of about 1500 computer users, within different occupational groups where computers were daily used. Information about physical, psycological and... -
Arbetsförhållanden och hälsa vid callcenter i Sverige
There are a range of problems associated with job on call centres. A range of problems associated with the job have become apparent, with time pressure, performance monitoring... -
Belastningsbesvär och stress hos kassörer i utgångskassa 2005
As a complement to an investigation of work movements, the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and stress at work was investigated among checkout cashiers in a number of... -
Om strukturerade frågor och tillförlitliga svar i missbruks- och beroendevård...
In 1994 a project in abuse and addiction care was initiated in Sweden - DOC. The project, which began in 1991, was inspired by other documentation systems in Sweden, Europe and...