Hydrochemistry and isotope data from groundwater monitoring wells in the Meko...
A total of 119 groundwater samples were collected across the Mekong Delta in Vietnam for hydrochemical and isotopic analysis (major ions, secondary elements, δ2H-H2O, δ18O-H2O,... -
Aquarium monitoring during an ex-situ experiment on the effects of simulated ...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of simulated sediment plumes generated during mining activities for the extraction of ferromanganese... -
Growth rates of the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus during an ex-situ ...
We conducted a medium-term (4 months) multiple stressor experiment with the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus under future environmental conditions (IPCC RCP 8.5 scenarios... -
Aquarium monitoring during an ex-situ experiment with the cold-water coral De...
We conducted a medium-term (4 months) multiple stressor experiment with the cold-water coral Desmophyllum dianthus under future environmental conditions (IPCC RCP 8.5 scenarios... -
Combined impacts of ocean acidification and deep-sea mining on larval surviva...
Here, we report the results of a multiple stressor experiment combining impacts of ocean acidification and Polymetallic sulfide (PMS) deposits produced by deep-sea mining on... -
Effects of ocean acidification on larval survival rates of the cold-water cor...
The objective of this study is to determine the effects of ocean acidification (OA) on the survival, development and swimming behaviour of embryos of the deep-sea coral... -
Counts of live embryos and planula larvae of the antipatharian coral Antipath...
The antipatharian coral Antipathella wollastoni is commonly found in the Macaronesia (Cape Verde, Madeira, Canaries and the Azores Archipelago). In the Azores Archipelago the... -
Geometry, morphology, temperature, salinity and density of ice ridges during ...
The NPI Fram Strait cruise 2024 was carried out in August 2024. There was not a lot of the ice during the transit across the Fram Strait. Therefore, the possibility for ice... -
Geometry, morphology, temperature, salinity and density of ice ridges during ...
The GoNorth expedition 2023 was carried out in July - August 2023 in the northern Fram Strait. The geometry, morphology and physical properties of four ridges were investigated... -
Physico-chemical parameters of seawater in the aquarium holding the F2 indivi...
Specimens (F1) of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
Physico-chemical parameters of seawater during the exposure of the marine cal...
Specimens of the marine calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa were exposed for five days under laboratory conditions to the isolated or combined effects of hypoxia and a marine... -
The significance of seasonal light and temperature interaction for the latitu...
Due to the global rise in temperature, recent studies predict species shifts towards higher latitudes. The temperate kelp Laminaria hyperborea (Phaeophyceae) is an abundant... -
Temperature incubations of microbial communities from two different locations...
This dataset encompasses data derived from two temperature incubation experiments aboard the RV Polarstern, using a unicellular microbial community collected from different... -
Measurements of the coelenteron pH in a reef coral, Stylophora pistillata, us...
pH measurements in the cœlenteron (pHcoel) of a reef coral, Stylophora pistillata, were performed using the microsensor technique. Seven samples grown in long-term coral culture... -
Water record of Magallana angulata F2 generation exposed to transgenerational...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity) of Magallana angulata (also known as Crassostrea angulata) F2 generation from larval stage to adult in the... -
Water record of immune response to transgenerational ocean acidification in M...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity) of Magallana angulata (also known as Crassostrea angulata) F2 generation from larval stage to adult in the... -
Water record of Magallana angulata F1 generation during laboratory experiment...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity and total alkalinity (TA)) and calculated water carbonate chemistry of Magallana angulata (also known as... -
Water record of Magallana angulata F0 generation exposed to low pH during lab...
The basic observed water characteristics (pH, temperature, salinity and total alkalinity (TA)) and calculated water carbonate chemistry in the hatchery located in Zhanjiang,... -
Metadata for incubation experiment testing temperature effects on a microbial...
We performed a temperature incubation experiment on board the RV Polarstern with a unicellular microbial community sampled from the Hausgarten station IV in Fram Strait during... -
Intertidal macroalgal biomass data in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard in July 2024
A survey for macroalgal fresh biomass was performed in the high, mid and low intertidal zone at six sites along the fjord axis of Kongsfjorden in June-July 2024. This dataset is...