Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Nörre-Lyngby
Investigations at a Late Weichselian freshwater basin in northwestern Jutland, Denmark, yielded a fairly rich assemblage of vertebrate remains, mostly bones and teeth of small... -
Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site l´Abri du Pont d´Ambon
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Roc de Combe
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site l´Abri de la Ferrassie
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site l´Abri de Combe-Cullier
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site l´Abri de Rhodes II
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Nietoperzowa
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Ettingen
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Sirgenstein
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Kartstein
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Gönnersdorf
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Falkensteinhöhle
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Willments Pit
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Steinheim an der Murr
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Bärenfelsgrotte
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Bettelküche
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Fohlenhaus-Höhlen
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Felsställe
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Bedburg-Königshoven
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Rejtek 1
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