COAWST model output for 10 typical, maximum and minimum representative years ...
COAWST model output for 10 typical, maximum and minimum representative years for Madeira and Porto Santo Islands current studies. Variables included at @ 0, 50, 100 and 200 m... -
COAWST model output for 10 typical, maximum and minimum representative years ...
COAWST model output for 10 typical, maximum and minimum representative years for Madeira and Porto Santo Islands wind studies. Variables included at @ 100m are wind velocity,... -
Impacts of random surface waves on the estimates of wind energy input to the ...
Sea surface waves significantly affect the wind energy input to the Ekman layer in the upper ocean. In the study, we first incorporated the wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing,... -
SHYFEM model results for the Po River-Delta-Sea system, link to NetCDF files
This dataset includes the results of the application of the SHYFEM numerical model to the Po River-Delta-Sea (RDS) system (Italy). The hydrodynamics and the interaction between... -
Simulation of leatherback turtle hatchling dispersion patterns in the Gulf of...
This data set describes the location of virtual floats representing turtle hatchlings throughout 60 modeled years. Floats were constrained to remain within depths of 0-6 m due... -
PREFCLIM: A high-resolution mixed-layer climatology of the eastern tropical A...
PREFCLIM is a mixed-layer climatology for the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. The climatology contains a high-resolution (0.25 degrees) monthly-mean mixed-layer hydrography... -
Maps (pdf) and raster images (tif) of predicted rural land cover suitability ...
This study projects land cover probabilities under climate change for corn (maize), soybeans, spring and winter wheat, winter wheat-soybean double cropping, cotton, grassland... -
Copy of: Spin Dynamics of the Central Fe Atom of Reduced Model Fe-Porphyrins
We propose to study the dynamics of the central Fe spin in reduced model Fe-porphyrins. Our aim is to clarify a relatioship between the spin dynamics of Fe and functions of... -
Investigation of a Potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik Model in (N...
We propose to investigate the highly one-dimensional (1D) S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet (NO)[Cu(NO3)3] which is a potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model. The... -
Effect of Temperature on the Transbilayer Structure of a Model Erythrocyre Me...
In recent years, it has become understood that rather than being homogenous mixtures, biomembranes show a complex phase behaviour, with regions of uniform phases, and others... -
The interaction of Plant Defensins with Model Lipid Membranes : Understanding...
Plants do not have the sophisticated immunoglobulin immune systems of vertibrates, instead they posses a series of stimuli based responses which defend against pathogentic... -
Investigation of a Potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik Model in (N...
We propose to investigate the highly one-dimensional (1D) S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet (NO)[Cu(NO3)3] which is a potential realization of the Nersesyan-Tsvelik model. The... -
Model biomembrane dendrimer interactions
The objective of the present study is to investigate the interaction between PAMAM dendrimers and solid supported model biomembranes of high fluidity. These membranes consist of... -
Understanding the Affect of Lipid Tail Saturation on Anaesthetic Interaction ...
The mechanism of general anaesthetic action is poorly understood despite their widespread use. It is hoped that investigating the interaction of anaesthetics with lipid bilayers... -
Neutron Reflectivity Study of Antimicrobial Peptides Interacting with Lipopol...
The outer membrane (OM) of gram negative bacteria is mainly constituted of highly polydisperse and amphiphilic lipopolysaccharide (LPS), an endotoxin which is accompanied by... -
Magnetic Excitations of a Model Quantum Spin Ladder
(C5H12N)2CuBr4 is the best realisation found to date of an antiferromagnetic quantum spin ladder in the strong coupling limit. This system displays an extremely rich phase... -
Antimicrobial Peptide Binding & Rearrangement in Model Membranes ¿ Building a...
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are attractive drug candidates because of their selectivity and speed of action against bacteria. We have developed a novel approach to delivering... -
Understanding Phospho-L-Serine (PS) role in the Organization of Cholesterol C...
Our goal is to understand the role of POPS, a lipid component only found in the inner leaflet of plasma membrane, in the organization of cholesterol in cell membranes. Our... -
Head Group charging and anaesthetic Interaction with Model Bilayers
The mechanism of general anaesthetic action is poorly understood despite their widespread use. It is hoped that investigating the interaction of anaesthetics with lipid bilayers... -
Magnetic Excitations of a Model Quantum Spin Ladder
(C5H12N)2CuBr4 is the best realisation found to date of an antiferromagnetic quantum spin ladder in the strong coupling limit. This system displays an extremely rich phase...