Magnetic order in the low doping regime in La(2-x)SrxCoO4
While investigating the ordering and magnetic dynamics in La2-xSrxCoO4 we found some intriguing behaviour for samples with small x, which would imply that the phase diagram is... -
Frustration, quantum spin ices and quantum diffusion
This proposal aims to characterise the spin dynamics of three Pr-based pyrochlores that may be realisations of quantum spin ice materials. The lower moment and larger wave... -
Exploring magnetic fluctuations in a novel iridate pyrochlore: Bi2Ir2O7
Pyrochlore magnets are one of the cornerstones of frustrated magnetism, with two interpenetrating lattices of corner-sharing tetrahedra on which magnetic ions can be placed. By... -
Muon probed level crossing resonance in a Holmium polyoxometallate single ion...
The magnetic properties of a Holmium single ion magnetic system will be studied using implanted muons. The system is based on a polyoxometallate cluster ion that provides good... -
Search for spin freezing and magnetic order in a frustrated cluster magnet
LiZn2Mo3O8 is a highly unusual geometrically frustrated material: the magnetic moments are associated not with single ions but with small transition-metal clusters. The spin is... -
Critical behaviour and FmuF oscillations in Cs2Cu3SnF12 and Rb2Cu3SnF12
Cs2Cu3SnF12 and Rb2Cu3SnF12 have a distorted kagome structure and the latter exhibits a pinwheel valence bond solid (VBS) state that has been demonstrated by inelastic neutron... -
Nonmonotonic phase diagrams in molecular magnets
We propose longitudinal field muSR on a 2D molecular magnetic system which has been suggested to have an unusual B-T phase diagram. Our goal is to probe the transition from... -
Quasi two-dimensional molecular layers separated by magnetic and non-magnetic...
One goal of our research into the nanoengineering of molecular magnets is a detailed understanding of the relationship between the structure and composition of a system and its... -
Field-induced Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid phase in a spin ladder
The new molecular magnet bis(2,3-dimethylpyridinium) tetrabromocuprate (DIMPY) is a strong-leg spin ladder with a quantum critical point at 3 T separating a low-field... -
Na4Ir3O8: a spin liquid, a valence bond crystal, or something else?
Spins on the kagome lattice are one of the most widely investigated topics in frustrated magnetism. This two-dimensional corner sharing triangular lattice offers a... -
Field induced spin Luttinger liquid phase in a spin ladder
Spin ladders present a class of low dimensional quantum magnets that occupy a regime of subtle behaviour which lies between the stark extremes of a one-dimensional chain or... -
The structure-magnetism relationship in hydrogen bonded coordination polymers
Gaining control of the building blocks of magnetic materials will enable the design and growth of bespoke magnetic devices. However, the ability to tune the magnetic... -
Low Temperature Properties of a Uniform S=1/2 Triangular Lattice System
It is proposed to use ZF and TF muSR to study the low temperature, low field part of the phase diagram of Ba3CuSb2O9, a system with a uniform triangular lattice of S=1/2 Cu ions... -
Studying the limits of the quantum Griffiths phase in Ni,V
A randomly diluted ferromagnet has its transition temperature Tc suppressed to a quantum critical point. Between the Tc of the diluted material and that of the undiluted... -
Level crossings in open ring molecular magnets
Molecular nanomagnets (MNMs) comprise clusters of exchange coupled transition metal ions which often have a negative anisotropy constant, favouring a ground state with a large... -
Low Temperature Properties of a Uniform S=1/2 Triangular Lattice System
It is proposed to use TF muSR to study the low temperature, low field part of the phase diagram of Ba3CuSb2O9, a system with a uniform triangular lattice of S=1/2 Cu ions that... -
Level crossings in the open ring molecular magnet Cr8Cd
Molecular nanomagnets (MNMs) comprise clusters of exchange coupled transition metal ions which often have a negative anisotropy constant, favoring a ground state with a large... -
Isolating exchange pathways in novel molecular magnets
Experimentally exploring the fascinating physics of one- and two-dimensional magnetism continues to rely on the synthesis of novel, model systems with highly anisotropic... -
Magnetic order in weakly coupled molecular magnetic systems
Two molecular magnetic systems are considered which show low-temperature ordered states. One of them is F4BImNN, a nitronyl nitroxide radical magnet, an excellent realization of... -
Separating static and dynamic contributions to the muon relaxation in Ca3(Co,...
Ca3CoMnO6 has alternating ions in ferromagnetic Ising chains that are antiferromagnetically coupled on a triangular lattice and realizes an important model in frustrated...