Crystal field and spin-wave excitations in the quasi-2D honeycomb zigzag anti...
The microscopic origin of the zigzag magnetic ground state in a honeycomb lattice of the quasi-2D antiferromagnet Na2Co2TeO6 is debatable. The zigzag phase may occur due to (i)... -
The coupling of spin and charge correlations in La2-xSrxCuO4
Charge density wave (CDW) order has recently been established as a generic feature of high-temperature cuprate superconductors. It occurs near 1/8 doping and has been observed... -
Investigation of magnetic excitations of spin-chain oxides Sr4-xCaxMn2CoO9
The Sr(4-x)Ca(x)Mn2CoO9 compounds are geometrically frustrated transition metal (TM) oxide, which present a variety of interrelated magnetic behavior. The (Mn,Co) TM form a... -
Uniaxial pressure effect in FeTe
Superconductivity in iron-based materials occurs in close proximity to a long-range ordered magnetic phase. In the iron pnictides, uniaxial pressure shifts the magnetic ordering... -
Crystal field excitations on Sm based pyrochlores
The A2B2O7 pyrochlore family, where A is a rare earth ion and B=Ti, Sn, is one of the most prolific series of compounds presenting magnetic frustration. The geometric Fd-3m... -
The full spin-wave dispersion of CaFe2O4 in the A and B phases:
CaFe2O4 shows an interplay between magnetic structures termed the A and B phases. In this proposal, we request time to measure the spin wave dispersion using MERLIN. Previous... -
Magnetic excitations in La1.2Sr0.8NiO4 and LaSrNiO4
The recent exciting observations in the magnetic excitation spectra of cobalt oxides that are isostructural to the prototypical high-temperature superconducting cuprates have... -
Magnetic excitations in Ca3(Ru[1-x]Ti[x])2O7: Investigating the role of SOC i...
With this experiment we aim to investigate the role of spin orbit coupling (SOC) in 4d transition metal oxides.In previous inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the parent... -
Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study to Understand Magnetism of Ca3Cu1-xMn1+xO6...
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Ligand-field characterization and U-Pt bonding in uranium-based heterometalli...
We propose to investigate the magnetic excitation spectra of tetravalent uranium ions in two isostructural, one-dimesional chains made up by aligned UM2 units, with M = Pt and... -
Spinwaves excitations in the zigzag spin chain compound beta-CaCr2O4
The S=3/2 zigzag chain antiferromagnet beta-CaCr2O4 exhibits broad spinwave excitations at low temperature, related to an incommensurate magnetic order that sets at TN = 21K.... -
INS on a 2D quantum spin liquid candidate material without structural disorder.
The ordered double perovskite Sr2CuWO6 is a quasi-two dimensional J1/J2 frustrated square lattice model antiferromagnet. The divalent Cu carries S = 1/2 while the W (VI) is 4d0.... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study to understand the complex magnetic orderin...
In heavy fermion systems the competition between the RKKY interaction and the Kondo effect leads to a rich variety of phenomena, such as non-Fermi-liquid behavior, unusual... -
High frequency optic-like mode and vibrational density of states in ionic liq...
We propose a comparative study of the high-frequency optic-like mode and Boson peak modes observed in the vibrational density of states (DOS) in the glass phase of the two model... -
Temperature dependence of phonon modes in protonated (H2O) and deuterated (D2...
Recentely we have measured (RB 1620263) pressure dependence of phonon modes in both the protonated (H2O) and deuterated ice (D2O) (Fig. 2) at ambient, 0.3 kbar, 1.0 kbar and 1.6... -
Spin anisotropy of Seff=1/2 triangular rare-earth based antiferromagnets
The rise of quantum materials observed in the past decades has been a source of great excitement for condensed matter scientists, with the flourishing of new concepts and... -
Investigating the use of Merlin for dynamic PDF measurements
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Roles of magnetic anisotropy and inter site exchange interactions in the temp...
NdMnO3 exhibits A-type antiferromagnetism with TN =73 K. At 15 K, Nd sublattice orders with a (0, -Fy, 0) type ferromagnetic arrangement. Mn spin reorientation from (Ax, Fy, 0)... -
Inelastic neutron scattering and µSR studies for the tetragonal layered compo...
Recently discovered tetragonal compounds CeRu2M2X (M=Al and Ga, X=B and C) provide new opportunity to investigate ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ordering in the same...