Data compilation of locations of seafloor seeps
Data compilation localising global cold seepage sites on the seafloor. -
Hydrocarbon concentrations from pressurized cores in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Two newly developed coring devices, the Multi-Autoclave-Corer and the Dynamic Autoclave Piston Corer were deployed in shallow gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the northern Gulf... -
(Table 4) In situ methane concentrations (Cm), amount of dissolved methane an...
C = Core length, C AOM = core length below AOM zone, GH = gas hydrate, vol = volume, ps = pore space and cv = core volume. * This gas:water ratio of 132/1 is in between the... -
(Table 3) Molalities of C1-iC5 in pore water below the AOM zone
No pore water data are available for MAC-12. In 3 out of 4 MAC cores the lower limit of the AOM zone is less than 10 cm deep; the lower limit in MAC-12 is set at 10 cm. In... -
(Table 2) Total gas volume released upon degassing and its hydrocarbon compos...
Ratios of C1-iC5 in relation to the total amount of C1-iC5 (weighed and averaged over time). -
(Table 1) Analysis of pore water (PW) and hydrocarbon gases (HC) on sediment ...
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(Table 5) Averaged hydrocarbon compositions of gas hydrates sampled at GC185 ...
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