Hydrographical profiles from Amazonas lakes, Brazil - rainy and dry seasons 2...
Water (physico)chemical and sediment chemical data from shallow tropical lakes and some piscicultures are available. In 5 subsequent field campaigns in both dry (3x) and rainy... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and respiration and growth rates of F0 and F1 la...
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a large, economically important fish species with a long generation time whose long-term resilience to ocean acidification (OA) and... -
Hydrochemistry of lakes and coastal sites in the MacKenzie River Delta in sum...
Water samples were taken at the surface and the bottom in transects crossing the lake or coastal site from locations with observed erosion to presumably undisturbed locations.... -
Experimental conditions for respiration and growth studies of F0 and F1 larva...
Water parameters in the 2 years before spawning of F0 (08.02.2016-06.03.2018) and during larval and juvenile phase of F1: Larval period until 17.05.2018 (48 dph, 900 dd) and... -
Salinity, pH, sea water temperature, pCO2, Omega Aragonite, and DIC determina...
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