Spin and cation order in AMn3B4O12 perovskites
A-site-ordered perovskite oxides with formula AA'3B4O12 have a rich variety of physical and chemical properties. Most have Jahn-Teller active Cu2+ or Mn3+ at the square-planar... -
Structural Investigations of Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 Piezoel...
Discovery and development of advanced materials requires understanding and control of the relationship between composition, structure and function. In crystalline materials,... -
Conduction Pathways in Alkali Lanthanide Pyrosilicates, A3LnSi2O7
Alkali Lanthanide Pyrosilicates (general formula = A3LnSi2O7) are promising candidates for use as solid electrolytes in all solid state Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. To date the...