Detecting an entanglement transition in a quantum magnet
Justification: We'd like to apply for three days Director’s Discretionary time on WISH to continue the experiment on measures of quantum entanglement in a model 1D magnet. This... -
Non destructive characterization of Nummi issued during Vth cenrury.
These measurements are aimed to identify the metallurgical and chemical characteristics of some bronze coins, called ¿nummi¿, strucked under Roman Empire, V century A.D..The... -
Ordering phenomena and magnetic phase transitions in Mn2TeO6
Our aim is to study with high resolution neutron powder diffraction the two orthorhombic phases of Mn2TeO6 at RT, so as to understand the origin of the observed structural... -
Nature of the ground state of Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice
Spin ice (SI) is a state of matter characterized by a residual (Pauling) entropy and unusual correlations. The huge interest in SI materials from the magnetism community stems... -
Investigating Modulation in Molecular Materials:
Valuable information is lost when the focus is put only on the average unit cell and not the long-range order of the whole crystal. Determination of the long-range ordering can... -
Investigation of the relevant thermodynamic parameters for the production of ...
With fantastic flux gains over its liquid conterpart, a solid methane moderator is essential to the newly built Second Target Station at ISIS. Unfortunately, it is notoriously... -
Crystal structures and magnetic order in metal/ammonia intercalates of FeSe
This is a proposal to determine the magnetic structures of the Rb/NH3 and K/NH3 intercalates of FeSe. These compounds exhibit superconductivity when freshly prepared, but... -
Investigation of the phases and chemical composition of early Roman Victoriat...
The proposal involves the non-invasive measurement of ancient Roman coins by ToF diffraction techniques. A well selected series of Victoriati are to be measured in order to... -
Neutron diffraction characterization of gallium ferrite thin films
Ga2-xFexO3 (GFO) is a ferrimagnetic magnetoelectric material presenting a Curie temperature above room temperature for x>1.3. It is therefore an interesting candidate for the... -
Search for New Spin Density Wave State in CeRhIn5 caused by Fermi Surface Rec...
CeRhIn5 shows the rich phase diagram with superconductivity, spin density wave and charge density wave. The appearance of the Fermi surface nesting inside the antiferromagnetic... -
Wish Analyser Commisioning
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Non invasive characterization through time of flight neutron diffraction of t...
In order to extend our level of knowledge towards Oriental Arms and Armour, we have selected five samples specifically smelted, forged, characterized, and traded by Hitachi... -
Textured magnetic phases at a ferromagnetic quantum phase transition
Quantum critically is a unifying theme across correlated electron physics. Classical or thermal phase transitions occur at nonzero temperature and are driven by thermal... -
Investigation for pressure-induced ferroelectric polarization flop phenomenon...
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments under high-pressure on multiferroic TbMnO3 using WISH in combination with hybrid-anvil-type high-pressure device. Recently,... -
Effects of hardening and annealing cycles on binary and leaded bronzes
Here, we aim at characterizing the micro-structural and compositional effects of hardening and annealing on binary and leaded bronzes under different operative conditions. The... -
A high resolution cooled neutron radiography camera on INES
Grazzi, Scherillo and Zoppicon 1) have for the first time demonstrated the feasibility of neutron radiography on a pulsed source at INES, using a simple CCD camera. To permit... -
Verification of extended inverse Dzyloshinskii-Moriya mechanism by comparison...
We propose to perform neutron diffraction experiments on single crystals, 3R-AgFeO2 and 2H-AgFeO2 on WISH. Recently, we have studied magnetic orderings and ferroelectricity of... -
Topochemically Reduced Complex Iridium Oxides
In recent years there has been a growing interest in modifying the anion lattice of complex transition metal oxides, via topochemical manipulation, to tune the magnetic and... -
Nuclear reactor pressure vessels are safety critical components of pressurised light water reactors. They enclose the nuclear fuel rods, that contain the nuclear fuel (uranium... -
Vanadiumcarbide-precipitation kinetics in NANO-steels
Nano-steels are a new generation of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS), extremely suitable for lightweight automotive applications. The matrix of the steel, which provides...