Application of green solvents to remove ionomer-containing binder for PEM wat...
The files contain the raw data of the following Master Thesis: Förster, Wenzel Application of green solvents to remove ionomer-containing binder for PEM water electrolyzer... -
Proton coherence in polymer fuel cell electrolytes
Recent studies of short side chain(SSC) polymers used in fuel cells have shown that they have higher conductivity and better structural properties than Nafion, the commercially... -
MuSR Studies of the Proton Conducting Polymer Nafion
The fluorinated ionomer Nafion is a material that provides efficient proton conducting membranes for application in important technological areas such as hydrogen fuel cells.... -
Investigating the mechanisms for the in situ growth of metal oxide nanopartic...
Composites materials that combine the flexibility and mechanical robustness offered by polymers with the functionality displayed by metal oxide nanoparticles offer new insight... -
INS studies of Nafion and model compounds
In the archetypal hydrogenoxygen proton exchange membrane fuel cell design, a proton-conducting polymer membrane (typically Nafion) contains the electrolyte solution that... -
Interfacial structures between Nafion and Platinum under controlled electroch...
We wish to propose a neutron reflectivity (NR) experiment for a Nafion/platinum interface under controlled electrochemical potential, because NR is the only technique to study... -
MuSR Studies of the Proton Conducting Polymer Nafion
The fluorinated ionomer Nafion is a material that provides efficient proton conducting membranes for application in important technological areas such as hydrogen fuel cells.... -
INS Study of Bio-oil on a Hydrodeoxygenation Catalyst
The Indonesian government has passed a new policy regarding a mandatory regulation for all gas stations nationwide to replace existing diesel fuel to B-20 biofuel. Bio-oil is a... -
INS studies with MAPS of Nafion and model compounds
In the archetypal hydrogenoxygen proton exchange membrane fuel cell design, a proton-conducting polymer membrane (typically Nafion) contains the electrolyte solution that... -
QENS Analysis of Proton Diffusion in Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks
The development of new functional metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) as complex proton conductor is receiving increasing attention worldwide. We aim to develop new solid proton... -
Determining the Electromechanical Response Mechanism of Nanostructured Ionic ...
One of the rapidly developing frontiers in research is focused on the design of materials that have targeted functionalities and tunable responses to external stimuli. A chief...