Trace gas measurements, basal glacial meltwater fractions, and water ages dur...
In this data set we present trace gas measurements and derived variables such as basal glacial meltwater (GMW) fractions and water ages. The trace gases comprise the lighter... -
Noble gas (He, Ne isotopes) and transient tracer (CFC-11 and CFC-12) measurem...
Noble gases (3He, 4He, 20Ne, 22Ne)In total we took 650 water samples for stable noble gas isotopes (3He, 4He, 20Ne, 22Ne) in copper tubes from 69 stations in Fram Strait, on the... -
Noble gas (He, Ne isotopes) and transient tracer (CFC-12, SF6) measurements f...
Noble gases (3He, 4He, 20Ne, 22Ne)The water samples for stable noble gas isotopes (3He, 4He, 20Ne, 22Ne) were stored from the CTD/water bottle system without contact to... -
Water column geochemistry data from REVOSIMA MAYOBS15 Cruise
The Mayotte volcanological and seismological monitoring network (REVOSIMA) was created in response to the sub-marine eruption that started in May 2018. Composed by IPGP, BRGM,... -
Water column geochemistry data from REVOSIMA MAYOBS4 Cruise
The Mayotte volcanological and seismological monitoring network (REVOSIMA) was created in response to the sub-marine eruption that started in May 2018. Composed by IPGP, BRGM,... -
Collective quantum dynamics in Ne-D2 liquid mixtures
A series of recent incoherent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments on low-temperature D2+H2 and Ne+H2 mixtures have revealed pronounced deviations from the Gaussian... -
Violation of the Gaussian approximation in the incoherent spectrum of hydroge...
A well-known approach to the self-dynamics of liquids is based on the Gaussian approximation, where it is assumed that the motion of a molecule is fully determined by a unique... -
Lattice vibrations of hydrogen impurities in a solid neon matrix
In recent incoherent inelastic neutron scattering experiments we have shown that the anharmonic single-particle dynamics of H2 can be measured with high precision in quantum... -
Dynamics of hydrogen guests and host lattice in clathrates with different str...
The proposing team has a well established experience in the use of neutron scattering on samples containing molecular hydrogen. Our recent experimental results on cubic hydrogen... -
Kinetics of Hydrogen Abstraction by Mu Reactivity with Propane studied by RF ...
Hydrogen abstraction reactions are key steps in free radical mechanisms that dominate the combustion and atmospheric chemistry of the alkane hydrocarbons and, as such, merit... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1g
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open... -
Gas mass spectrometry of gas samples from the KTB Main Hole HB1
The main objective of this drilling fluid analysis was the detection of inflows of formation fluids. Therefore different gases dissolved in the drilling mud were measured... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1d
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1a
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1h
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open... -
Gas mass spectrometry of gas samples from the KTB Main Hole HB1
The main objective of this drilling fluid analysis was the detection of inflows of formation fluids. Therefore different gases dissolved in the drilling mud were measured... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Pilot Hole VB1a
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Pilot Hole VB1b
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open... -
Gas Mass Spectrometry of Gas Samples of the KTB Main Hole HB1i
In the complete KTB-VB and in in the KTB-HB down to a depth of 3003 m the gas phase was released and collected by twirl degassers attached in front of the mud shakers. This open...