Transcriptome analysis of developmental stages and adult organs of the limpet...
To construct reference sequences and obtain gene expression levels in each stage/organ, we performed transcriptomic analyses of multiple developmental stages and adult organs of... -
Single-cell transcriptome analysis of the early trochophore stage of the limp...
To clarify the cell types that constitute the molluscan trochophore larva and the gene repertoire expressed in them, we performed a single-cell transcriptome analysis of the... -
Gastropoda Genomics
In order to improve the systematic of the Class Gastropoda, this project is addressed to obtain genomic information from the exotic samples and not explored clades thru... -
RNA-seq of limpet Nipponacmea fuscoviridis
RNA-seq of limpet Nipponacmea fuscoviridis was conducted using Illumina Hiseq-2000. Mixed RNA from egg-32 cell stage was sequenced.