Mesocosm experiment on sea stars and mussels: size, weight and consumption pa...
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Experiment on prey size preference and consumption rates of Hemigrapsus takan...
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Experiment on the functional response of non-indigenous crab Hemigrapsus taka...
We examined the functional response of the Japanese brush-clawed shore crab ( Hemigrapsus takanoi ) towards blue mussels ( Mytilus sp.) across four seasons for an ambient and +6... -
Number of consumed Mytilus edulis in a feeding experiment with Hemigrapsus ta...
Field and Laboratory experiments were performed to study the feeding ecology of Hemigrpasus takanoi and C. maenas. Experiments were done between 2017-2020 on oyster reefs near... -
Number of consumed Gammarus locusta and Mytilus edulis in a choice experiment...
Field and Laboratory experiments were performed to study the feeding ecology of Hemigrpasus takanoi and C. maenas. Experiments were done between 2017-2020 on oyster reefs near... -
Number of consumed Mytilus edulis in a feeding experiment with Hemigrapsus ta...
Field and Laboratory experiments were performed to study the feeding ecology of Hemigrpasus takanoi and C. maenas. Experiments were done between 2017-2020 on oyster reefs near... -
Experiment on survival and feeding rates of juveniles and adults crab Hemigra...
Crabs were collected from inner Kiel Fjord by scraping in November 2018, in order to study their tolerance to salinity and consequently their ability to establish a population... -
Experiment on performance of two invertebrate predators on warming and temper...
Energy uptake of H. takanoi and A. rubens during the experimental period (72 and 64 days, respectively) measured under 4 temperature conditions: ambient ('constant'), warm...