Major and trace elements in sediments of ODP Site 202-1242 during the Mid Ple...
This spreadsheet contains data of the concentrations of Al, Ca, Mn, Sr, U, Th and rare earth elements in bulk sediments of ODP Site 202-1242. Digested samples were measured... -
Percentage of total inorganic carbon measured in sediments of ODP Site 202-1242
This data contains the total inorganic carbon content of the sediments of ODP Site 202-1242. Bulk sediment samples were dried at 45°C, ground and homogenized using a zircon ball... -
Sedimentary percentage of total organic carbon (TOC) of ODP Site 202-1242
This dataset contains the total organic carbon content of sediments from ODP Site 202-1242. Bulk sediment samples were dried at 45°C, ground and homogenized using a zircon ball... -
Depth-age points to construct the age model of ODP Site 202-1242 during the M...
This dataset contains the tie points used to establish the age model of ODP Site 1242. The age model of ODP Site 1242 is based on graphic correlation of the high-resolution ODP... -
Bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotopes and nitrogen content of ODP Site 202-1242
The bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotopic measurements and relative contribution of nitrogen were analysed in ODP Site 202-1242 (7º51.352'N, 83º36.418'W, 1364 meters water depth)...