19 datasets found

Keywords: Offentlig forvaltning

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  • 050203-100 Tingbakke

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1876 : I...
  • 140510-37 Tinghullet

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1877 :...
  • 080502-5 Stævnebjerg

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1891 : Paa...
  • 040212-59 Tingstenene

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1985-10-21:...
  • 040211-16 Tinghuset

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1883 :...
  • 030405-549 Thinghulen

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1874 :...
  • 010509-11 Ullerup

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1887 : Paa...
  • 010312-39 Hovedtorvet

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 5 Tingsten. 1974...
  • 010110-63 Søborg By

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1980 :...
  • 010106-28 Thingbakke

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1886 : Syd...
  • 050216-94 Røstofte

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 0000 :...
  • 220201-30 Løgpold

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1847 :...
  • 220107-17 Tingbjerg

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1923 : Stor...
  • 170402-11 Thinghøj

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1904 :...
  • 120206-100 Tinggård

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1989-09-26:...
  • 110608-1 Grusgaard

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1916 :...
  • 110301-22 Hundborg

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1875 :...
  • 100403-34 Gamle Hune Tingsted

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1928 : En...
  • 090512-12 Strynø By

    This record describes ancient sites and monuments as well archaeological excavations undertaken by Danish museums. Excerpt of the Danish description of events: 1961 : Syd...
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