PLWordNet to Sumo mapping
Resul of mapping plWordNet onto SUMO ontology. -
Bellini Digital Correspondence (BDC) è il nome assegnato al progetto software di edizione scientifica digitale relativo alle lettere autografe di Vincenzo Bellini. Il fondo è... -
Code for Faithful Embeddings for EL++ Knowledge Bases
This is the official pytorch implementation of the paper "Faithful embeddings for EL++ Knowledge Bases" published in ISWC 2022. The code was implemented based on el-embeddings.... -
Ontologies and Rules for Context-Aware Assessment of the Usability of Output ...
This dataset contains OWL ontologies and SWRL that model the usage context and usability of output devices and modalities for ubiquitous mobility systems. It also contains a... -
Biorefinery Ontology
This work presents a domain ontology based on the Process and Observation Ontology PO2 (http://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/PO2), dedicated to the representation of... -
Ontology for the selection of measurement equipment in immature production pr...
Automating the selection process of operating resources in production engineering, e.g., measurement systems, using data-driven and rule-based approaches, to improve product... -
Dendro lightweight ontologies
A collection of domain-specific lightweight ontologies for research data description. These ontologies can be combined with each other, or with others, like Dublin Core or FOAF,...