Definition of functional regulatory regions in the vast non-coding fractions of mammalian genomes remains a daunting challenge that underscores our limited understanding of... -
Comparative analysis of genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profile...
We mapped DNA methylation in 580 animal species (535 vertebrates, 45 invertebrates), resulting in 2443 genome-scale, base-resolution DNA methylation profiles of primary tissue... -
RNA-Seq analysis of gene expression divergence in mammalian liver
The connection between evolution of regulatory elements and downstream gene expression is incompletely understood in mammals. We carried out a large-scale comparison of matched... -
Gut vertebrate gut archaeal community assessment via archaea-targeting 16S rR...
Commonly used 16S rRNA primers miss much of the archaeal diversity present in the vertebrate gut, leaving open the question of which archaea are host associated, the... -
Bacterial 16S rRNA metabarcoding targeting the v3-4 hypervariable region of A...
Advances in sequencing technologies have revealed the complex and diverse microbial communities present in ticks (Ixodida). As obligate blood feeding arthropods, ticks are... -
Genome Skimming with Nanopore Sequencing Precisely Determines Global and Tran...
This study determines that genome skimming, shallow depth of sequencing, is capable of accurately quantifying global DNA methylation level across a range of vertebrates. -
Raw sequence reads from Danish species
Raw reads from samples of danish species, sequenced with the purpose of assembling mito genomes for future references. -
Mitochondrial heteroplasmy in vertebrates using ChIP-sequencing data
Mitochondrial heteroplasmy, the presence of more than one mtDNA variant in a cell or individual is not as uncommon as previously thought. It is mostly due to the high mutation... -
The DNA Zoo is a consortium focused on facilitating conservation efforts through the rapid generation and release of high-quality genomics resources. -
Parasites and diet of raccoons from Germany
The study investigates the parasite burden and feeding habits of raccoons in 3 german federal states and thus the impact on endangered native species that could be threatened by... -
Single cell atlas for mammals, reptiles and birds
Established the broadest single-nucleus RNA sequencing study to date, covering 11 representative species, including pets (cat, dog, hamster, and lizard), livestock (goat and... -
Large scale metagenome assembly reveals novel animal-associated microbial div...
Large-scale metagenome assemblies of human microbiomes have produced a huge catalogue of previously unseen genomic data, but has been applied to only a few of the >66 000... -
Transcriptomic and lipidomic profiling of subcutaneous and visceral adipose t...
Transcriptomic and lipidomic profiling of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissues in 15 vertebrates -
Growth, health, survival, and haematological data of growing rabbits of diffe...
The datafiles include measurements on growing rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) collected at the experimental installation PECTOUL of GenPhySE laboratory at INRAE. Data were... -
Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Gare de Couze-Serie 2
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site l´Abri des Battuts I
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Grotte Scladina
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site l´Abri du Pont d´Ambon
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site Roc de Combe
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Occurrence of mammalia relicts at site l´Abri de la Ferrassie
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