Foraminiferal data and sea surface temperature of sediment core MD07-3081
This dataset contains planktonic foraminiferal abundance (Ind. g-1), Summer Sea Surface Temperature (SSST °C) reconstruction, fragments (%), and relative percentage of... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and photosynthesis and fatty acid composition of...
In the present study, we manipulated the culturing pH to investigate physiological performance and fatty acid (FA) composition of two coastal diatoms, Skeletonema costatum and... -
Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO) [Metadata]
ECPO joins several important digital collections of the early Chinese press and puts them into a single overarching framework. In the first phase, several databases on early... -
Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO) – The CCO Commons examples in VRA Core 4 XML
“Cataloging Cultural Objects - a Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images” (CCO) provides a data content standard for catalogers of cultural heritage. It is a... -
Vegetable Oils as Sustainable Inks for Additive Manufacturing: A Comparative ...
The use of biobased materials in additive manufacturing is arising as a promising approach to modernize the polymer industry reducing its environmental impact. Herein, novel... -
Research Data Management Project Form
Research Data Management (RDM) describes the collection, preservation, and sharing of data created or used in a research project. SimTech’s Data and Software Management team... -
COLife_06: Gigamap, Synthesis Map, DIY, Project Portfolio and Introduction
The data cover a gigamap codesigned with the stakeholders and team members, a synthesis map, contemplating on the gigamap's data. It also covers instruction materials on how to... -
3D Cryo-FIB SEM - Mallomonas Dataset
Dataset of raw and image processed 3D Cryo-FIB SEM data recorded from Mallomonas cells. -
Reuse Compendium
This dataset contains a list of 348 references relating to reuse in architecture. It covers historical and contemporary reuse projects and examples in architecture, recent... -
First Steps with DaRUS as an Admin
Description of the first steps and the most important tasks for a new DaRUS-Admin -
Optimum Blue Light Exposure: A Means to Increase Cell-Specific Productivity i...
Raw Data for manuscript titled Optimum Blue Light Exposure: A Means to Increase Cell-Specific Productivity in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells This dataset was generated from... -
Multi-storey Timber Buildings and Design and Construction Stakeholder Constel...
This repository contains a collection of data on 99 contemporary multi-storey timber building projects in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), designed and... -
First Steps with DaRUS
Instructions for the first steps with DaRUS -
Reinforcement Arrangement Data
This repository contains three computational hollow timber slab reinforcement arrangement methods and their results when applied to a testing setup representing the... -
Multi-Level, Multi-Agent Timber Slab Design Method Proof of Concept
This repository contains the algorithmic methods and geometric results of the proof of concept for a multi-level, multi-agent timber slab design method. It includes the base... -
Image processing code for characterization of multiphase flow in porous media
This work utilizes microfluidic experiments to gather data captured as snapshots during the experiments. These snapshots provide real-time information and undergo image... -
Database for: Documenting Research in Simulation Science to Enhance Understan...
Replication Data for an analysis of research articles from computational mechanics, all using the software Pasimodo https://www.itm.uni-stuttgart.de/en/software/pasimodo/... -
COLife_04 - Multi-Scale More-than-Human Atlas Gigamaping, Ecosystem Mapping a...
The dataset presents the Multi-Scale More-than-Human Atlas Gigamapping Workshop output that should evaluate and suggest new developments of COLife project prototyping. We also... -
COLridor - Responsive Wood Insect Hotels
The dataset is releasing fabrication data of two prototypes produced in Prague - TreeHugger CZ and Nicosia - TreeHugger CY. These are responsive wood insect hotels produced in... -
Replication Data for: On the Accurate Estimation of Information-Theoretic Qua...
Non-Parametric Estimation in Information Theory 1. Introduction This is a repository for our paper on: "On the Accurate Estimation of Information-Theoretic Quantities from...