Time of flight-resolved gamma background measurements on VESUVIO
Gamma background is one of the main factors limiting the current VESUVIO capabilities. We aim at a characterisation of the time of flight dependence of the gamma background.... -
Neutron imaging and element analysis of the ESS Irradiation Module
The neutron Irradiation Module at the European Spallation Source will make use of the high intensity fast neutron spectrum to study the behaviour of target and moderator... -
An experimental test of the contribution of Mrozowski Cracks to the SANS from...
The life-limiting feature of AGR power reactors is probably radiation damage to the graphite moderators. This proposal (part of a collaborative EPSRC programme - Fundamentals of... -
Simultaneous measurements of ND, BET, PGAA and NR at INES beam line
Neutron based techniques for materials study are important in fields ranging from chemistry, physics and archaeometry. Neutron diffraction gives information on phases and...