Grain-size distribution in surficial seafloor sediments of Eurasian Arctic seas
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(Table 7.13) Indicator ratios of tracer elements in Arctic aerosols
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Aerosols in the Arctic
In this monograph on the basis of materials obtained by the author and his colleagues in Arctic expeditions of 1991-2005 and of published data results of studies effect of... -
(App. Table II-11) Concentrations of chemical elements in aerosols collected ...
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Chemical composition of surface sediments of the Barents Sea sampled from R/V...
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(App. Table II-1) Concentrations of aerosols collected by nets and dry settli...
These data have been additionally sent by Dr. V.P Shevchenko. -
(Table 4.4) Grain size composition of insoluble matter of aerosols collected ...
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(App. Table II-11a) Enrichment factors relative to the Earth's crust for chem...
EF = (El_sample/Sc_sample) / (El_crust/Sc_crust) -
(App. Table II-7a) Enrichment factors relative to the Earth's crust for chemi...
EF = (El_sample/Al_sample) / (El_crust/Al_crust) -
(App. Table II-7) Chemical composition of aerosols with particle size >0.001 ...
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(Table 7.3) Contents of Si, Al, and organic carbon and ratios of black carbon...
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Total organic carbon and calcium carbonate contents in Barents Sea bottom sed...
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Total organic carbon and calcium carbonate contents in Barents Sea bottom sed...
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Heavy mineral composition of 0.100-0.050 mm size fraction from surface sedime...
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Chemical composition of Barents Sea bottom sediments, Core PL-96-109 sampled ...
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Chemical composition of Barents Sea bottom sediments, Core PL-96-101 sampled ...
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Grain size composition of surface sediments of the Barents Sea sampled from R...
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Light mineral composition of 0.100-0.050 mm size fraction from Barents Sea se...
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Heavy mineral composition of 0.100-0.050 mm size fraction from Barents Sea se...
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Heavy mineral composition of 0.100-0.050 mm size fraction from Barents Sea se...
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