Prostorske in okoljske vrednote, 2004
Raziskavo je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo (CPS) na Fakulteti za družbene vede, Univerza v Ljubljani.... -
Prostorske in okoljske vrednote 2004_2018
Prvo raziskavo z naslovom »Prostorske in okoljske vrednote« je v okviru projekta CRP - »Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2001-2006«, leta 2004 izvedel Center za prostorsko sociologijo... -
With the sewing machine in the kitchen and the Poles in the field. Cities, re...
The book is based on a reprocessing of findings from five studies and aims to establish a framework for the study and interpretation of spatial development which is articulated... -
School choice and local place: Parental perceptions and the impact of race, e...
This research examines the question of parental choice of secondary schools in Manchester and Stockport. In particular, it will explore the extent to which parents are seeking... -
Living Multiculture: the new geographies of ethnic diversity and the changing...
The qualitative data collection consists of a total of 138 transcripts and approximately 70 observation field notes. In detail the data collection = 1. A series of detailed... -
Geographic and Social Mobility of Higher Education Students, 2016-2020
This qualitative data-set is of young people's spatial imaginaries within the UK context. It contains interviews carried out with young people aged 16/17 years across different...