Radiosonde measurements during POLARSTERN cruise PS119
The meteorological observatory Polarstern continuously performs radiosoundings during times of ship operation. Typically, there is one launch to full altitude at 12 UTC every... -
Radiosonde raw data measured during POLARSTERN cruise PS119, links to files
The meteorological observatory Polarstern continuously performs radiosoundings during times of ship operation. Typically, there is one launch to full altitude at 12 UTC every... -
Aerial cetacean survey Southern Ocean 2019
This dataset was collected during PS119 during a dedicated distance sampling survey for cetaceans in the Southern Ocean conducted on board of Polarstern during the austral... -
Ship based cetacean survey Southern Ocean 2019
This dataset was collected during PS119 during a dedicated distance sampling survey for cetaceans in the Southern Ocean conducted on board of Polarstern during the austral... -
Whale sightings during POLARSTERN cruise PS119
Data on whale distribution and abundance in the polar oceans is rather sparse, as implementing the standard surveying method, line-transect surveys, is challenging and costly.... -
Documentation of sediment core PS119_8-1
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Documentation of sediment core PS119_7-1
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Documentation of sediment core PS119_6-1
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Documentation of sediment core PS119_5-1
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Documentation of sediment core PS119_2-1
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Documentation of sediment core PS119_1-2
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Profile of sediment echo sounding during POLARSTERN cruise PS119 with links t...
Contact mailto:infoparasound@awi.de for data access.File format description see: Data Acquisition of ATLAS PARASTORE, Atlas Hydrographic (2007), Operator Manual ATLAS PARASTORE,... -
Water vapour isotopes analyser raw data from POLARSTERN cruise PS119, links t...
This dataset has no description
Raw data of continuous VM-ADCP (vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profi...
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Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along POLARSTERN cruise track PS119
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS119-21-1
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS119_7-2
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Documentation of sediment core PS119_58-1
This dataset has no description
Documentation of sediment core PS119_57-1
This dataset has no description