ZUMABUS 7 (1984)
The ZUMABUS contains three main survey focus areas: 1. Questions on parliamentarianism 2. German version of the SLFS scales (Social Life Feeling Scales) 3. ZUMA standard... -
Student Sexuality 1981
Sexual behavior and attitude to sexuality among students. Topics: 1. Individual information: city of study; subject; degree sought; type of school of high school graduation;... -
Personality and Social Relations 1995
Judgement on the partnership from the point of view of both partners. Topics: 1st Wave: survey of first partner: psychological self-characterization on the dimensions feeling of... -
Personality-Based Attitudes towards Political Parties, Berlin Study 1999
Parteineigung und Persönlichkeitsbeschreibung. Themen: Verhaltensabsicht für hypothetische Situation: Materialvorlieben für einen handwerklichen Beruf (Holz, Stahl, Ton oder... -
Personality-Based Attitudes towards Political Parties, German Federation Stu...
Parteineigung und Persönlichkeitsbeschreibung. Themen: Beurteilung der wirtschaftlichen Lage der BRD sowie der eigenen wirtschaftlichen Lage; Sympathie-Skalometer für die... -
Personality, Motives, and Human Capital as Explanations for Business Success
Geschäftserfolg junger Unternehmer. Psychologische Selbstcharakterisierung. Themen: Selbstständige wurden gefragt: Art und Dauer der selbstständigen Tätigkeit; Art der... -
Jena Study on Social Change and Human Development (Adults) 2005 - Full Version
The study deals with individual capacities of coping with experienced requirements of social change. Broadly speaking, this refers to the challenges individuals are facing when... -
Jena Study on Social Change and Human Development (Adults) 2005 - Reduced Ver...
The study deals with individual capacities of coping with experienced requirements of social change. Broadly speaking, this refers to the challenges individuals are facing when... -
Social Structure in Poland: POLPAN 2008
POLPAN is a panel study in focused on describing social structure and its change during the post-communist transformation in Poland. It is conducted in five year waves beginning... -
Job Mobilities and Family Lives in Europe (First Wave)
Spread and relevance of spatial mobility. The situation of mobile people. A: Identification of Job-Mobility: Employment status; paid work in the past; end of last job; daily... -
Job Mobilities and Family Lives in Europe (Second Wave)
The study focuses on three main aspects: first, on the prevalence and variety of job-related spatial mobility in Europe, second, on the causes and circumstances of people’s... -
Identity Development and Value Transmission among Veteran and Migrant Adolesc...
General personal values and values in the context of family, school and work, national group and ethnic group. Well-being and self-esteem. Identification with national group and... -
Social Survey Sudan 2002
Personality. Language skills. Socio-economic and demographic questions. Topics: Self-characterisation: too little time for education; gaining knowledge and better information... -
Social relations and conflict potentials in the context of experiences of den...
Wirkung von Diskriminierungs- und Stigmatisierungserfahrungen. Wahrgenommene institutionelle und interpersonelle Diskriminierung. Desintegration. Netzwerke und Mediennutzung.... -
Serial offenders during adolescence. Social backgrounds and future prospects
Serial offenders in adolescence. Social backgrounds of repeated violence and future prospects. Die Lebenswelten und -realitäten von jungen Menschen sind vielfältig. Ebenso... -
Befragung von regulär pensionierten Personen und ihren Ehepartnern vor und na...
A longitudinal study with three survey dates examines how the transition to life after retirement is experienced. Using a stressor resource approach, the influence of personal,... -
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Leistungen von Schülern der Sekundarstufe...
After "Computers in Education" (cf. Reference No. 2647) and "Reading Literacy" (cf. Reference No. 1160), Switzerland participated in an IEA (International Association for the... -
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Leistungen von Schülern der Sekundarstufe...
After "Computers in Education" (cf. Reference No. 2647) and "Reading Literacy" (cf. Reference No. 1160), Switzerland participated in an IEA (International Association for the... -
Coping-Strategien von Para- und Tetraplegtikern - 1999
In a prospective study, the roles of personality dimensions, coping strategies and environmental resources and restrictions in adjusting to spinal cord injury are investigated....