Recovery of nearly 8,000 uncultivated bacterial and archaeal genomes substant...
Challenges in cultivating microorganisms have limited the phylogenetic diversity of currently available microbial genomes. This is being addressed by advances in sequencing... -
ISS Rodent Microbiome and Associated Samples
The microbiome of rodents and associated samples on the international space station Strains obtained from pure cultures. Not metagenomic assemblies -
This is a large scale project with the sequencing co-funded by collaborators at the University of Cape Town and WT Core (I2818). This is a project aimed at deepening our... -
Strains of the Bacillales order isolated from various sources, including soil...
Dataset for describing and studying the genetic potential of a diverse set of Bacillales strains. -
Problematic Endophytes in Citrus Cryopreservation
In an attempt to identify problematic endophytes growing on or in media during the in-vitro culture stages of Citrus meristem cryopreservation and recovery, low coverage genomic... -
GenomeTrakr Project: US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety ...
Whole genome sequencing of cultured Bacillus cereus as part of the US Food and Drug Administration's WGS surveillance effort for the rapid detection of foodborne illness outbreaks.