Database dump of the PKDB (The International Paleoclimate Database) with link...
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Pollen profile V and Ausfluss at Krumbach, Germany
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Pollen profile II/B at Krumbach, Germany
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Pollen profile III at Krumbach
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Pollen profile I at Krumbach
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Palynology of profile Füramoos
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Palynology of profile Füramoos III
dated as Holocene/post glacial, this profile is on top of profile Füramoos -
Pollen profile Pfefferbichl
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Pollen profile Stuttgart subway
location close to Amtsgericht -
Pollen profile Mühlacker
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Pollen profile Lauster
no depth given in raw data, only ordinal numbers -
Pollen profile Cannstatt Holocene
location close to Amtsgericht -
Pollen profile Cannstatt
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Pollen profile Winzeln
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Pollen in loess profiles of the last ice age from the eastern margin of the Alps
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Pollen analysis of surface samples from Germany and Austria
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This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description