Stable isotopes of organic and inorganic carbon from the Cenomanian-Turonian ...
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Biomarker indices from the Cenomanian-Turonian at IODP Site 342-U1407
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Microfossil abundance from the Cenomanian-Turonian at IODP Site 342-U1407
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Major and trace element analysis from the Cenomanian-Turonian at IODP Site 34...
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Magnetic and Beryllium chronostratigraphy of Quaternary sediment core samples...
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Bulk organic-carbon geochemistry, major and trace element concentrations, and...
We collected pelagic sediments from Holes A and B of IODP Site 342-U1407 that accumulated on the Southeast Newfoundland Ridge that spanned the Early Cenomanian to Early... -
Pollen determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western Po...
This pollen dataset contains the age of the sample (Age [a AD/CE] and Age [ka BP]), depth of the sample in m (Depth sed [m]), % of arboreal pollen (AP, calculated from the... -
Diatoms determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western P...
This diatoms dataset contains the age of the sample (Age [a AD/CE] and Age [ka BP]), % of main taxa contribution (columns 3-16, calculated for the taxa presented in the paper),... -
CNS determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western Poland
This CNS dataset contains eight columns: Sample ID, Age [a AD/CE], Age [ka BP], Depth sed [m], and content of total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur (TS), and... -
Chronology determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in wester...
This chronology dataset contains five columns: depth sed [m], Age [a AD/CE], Age [ka BP], Age min [a AD/CE], and Age max [a AD/CE]. The age-depth model was developed through... -
Chronology, pollan, diatom, and geochemical data covering the last 3000 years...
Sediments from Lake Lubińskie, western Poland, were investigated to determine the limnological responses to environmental changes and to identify the mechanisms driving... -
Loss on ignition, dry bulk density and micro-XRF data of Orakei Basin (New Ze...
Dry bulk density (g/cm3) and loss on ignition (%) of 1674 samples from Orakei Basin (Auckland Volcanic Field maar lake, New Zealand) on the event corrected depth scale (ECD; m)... -
Chronostratigraphy, mineralogy, susceptibility and inclination measurements o...
A 601 m long sedimentary sequence was drilled in Lake Acigöl, located in the lakes region of SW Anatolia, near the Denizli travertine from which the oldest hominin of Turkey was... -
Loss on ingnition and dry bulk density data of Orakei Basin (New Zealand)
Dry bulk density (g/cm3) and loss on ignition (%) of 1674 samples from Orakei Basin (Auckland Volcanic Field maar lake, New Zealand) on the event corrected depth scale (ECD; m).... -
Micro-XRF data of Orakei Basin (New Zealand)
Presented are 87645 Itrax micro-XRF elemental downcore variation data points from Orakei Basin on the ECD scale and on the age scale. The ECD was developed in Peti and... -
Susceptibility of Quaternary sediment core sample from Lake Acigöl
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Age model for Quaternary sediment core from Lake Acigöl
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Inclination measurements of Quaternary sediment core from Lake Acigöl
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Mineralogy of Quaternary sediment core samples from Lake Acigöl
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