Abundance of megabenthic species in trawl catches per station in addition to ...
Abundance codes: 0 Absent, + rare (only single specimens in the catch), + + common (10-100 specimens in the catch), + + + abundant (> 100 specimens in the catch) -
Macrofauna abundances from ECO2 water-formation experiment
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(Table 3a and b) Median biomass of macrobenthos in surface sediments
original data given as biomasses (mg wet weight) per 0.02 m**2 -
(Table 2a and b) Median abundances of macrobenthos in surface sediments
original data given as abundance per 0.02 m*2, () in the original table are replaced by the author later -
(Table 2) Taxon list for benthos collected during POLARSTERN cruise ANT-XXI/5...
= absent, + = present -
Macrofaunal abundance and biodiversity in sediments in the Canadian Arctic in...
Please note (a) unit is #/78.5cm² and (b) #1 = present -
(Table 2c) Percentages of energy flow of macrobenthos species in samples from...
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(Table 2b) Biomass of macrobenthos species in samples from Cruise AMK54 stati...
This dataset has no description
(Table 2a) Abundance of macrobenthos species in samples from Cruise AMK54 sta...
This dataset has no description
(Table 1) Fauna composition of the community of Amphiodia urtica - Nephtys fe...
This dataset has no description
Species occurring in the mytilid and alvinellid communities within the 9°N hy...
Samples from mytilid mollusk and alvinellid polychaet communities and associated fauna were collected from the MIR-1 and MIR-2 manned submersibles during Cruise 49 of R/V...