Relative and absolute abundance records of three IRD particle groups and six ...
As detailed in Bukar et al. (2024), the 22 classifiable IRD lithologies can be group according to their preferred affiliation to Heinrich Layers (HL) and Interlayers (IL). Group... -
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of IRD content in Heinrich Event layers (H...
The data matrix of 192 classified IRD count data from H1-H6 and I1-I5 (excluding I6 because of too low IRD counts) by 22 IRD lithologies... -
Nonlinear Mapping (NLM) analysis of IRD content in Heinrich Event layers (H1-...
This 3D data set represents the result of a Sammon projection (Sammon, 1969; https://doi.org/10.1109/T-C.1969.222678), where the mean relative proportions of all classified IRD... -
Digital grain and thin section micrographs of petrologically representative I...
The micrographs of the representive IRD particles showcase the pristine physical appearances of the IRD and their mineralogical compositions. Digital images of the pristine IRD... -
Lithology-specific IRD counts of sediment core GeoB18530-1
Total and lithology-specific ice-rafted detritus (IRD) counts of sediment core GeoB18530-1 were determined by stereomicroscopically identifying, picking and counting all... -
IRD composition and accumulation rates of Heinrich Event layers (H1-H6) and i...
The cumulative classified count record (in percentages) over ~2 cm resolution of each petrologically identified IRD lithologies within the stratigraphic units of Heinrich Layers... -
Extended age model of sediment core GeoB18530-1 by correlation of δ18O record...
The previously published 14C-AMS based chronology of GeoB18530-1 by Max et al. (2022; doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.943562), covering the upper 0 - 7.16 m core section down to Heinrich... -
Extended age model of sediment core GeoB18530-1 by correlation of Ca/Sr recor...
The previously published 14C-AMS based chronology of GeoB18530-1 by Max et al. (2022; doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.943562), covering the upper 0 - 7.16 m core section down to Heinrich... -
Petrological classification and lithology-specific abundance analysis of ice-...
IRD-rich Heinrich Event (HE) layers are commonly used as stratigraphic markers of North Atlantic sediments. Gravity core GeoB18530-1, retrieved from the SE Grand Banks slope of... -
Geochemical, isotopic, geochronological data and assimilation plus fractional...
This dataset presents a set of geographical, geochemical and isotopic data, microphotos of thin sections and geochemical binary variation diagrams of sixteen samples of volcanic...