The explorational drilling Gt BTrKoe 1/2021 in Berlin Adlershof, Germany - Fi...
The Gt BTrKoe 1/2021 borehole was drilled in the framework of a research project called GeoFern, funded by the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action under the... -
Data from Climate Model Simulations for Triassic-Jurassic Orbital Climate Cycles
The data is generated using the Earth System Model CLIMBER-X which simulates climate globally on a 5°x5° horizontal grid. Its coupled atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and land surface... -
3D structural geological model of the Mallik Anticline, Canadian Arctic
The Mallik Anticline is a geologic structure in the Mackenzie Delta in the Canadian Arctic. Tectonics throughout the Cenozoic, with compressional phases in the early Eocene to... -
3D structural geological model of the Central South Wales Syncline, Great Bri...
South Wales is characterised by a rich variety of geologic formations and rocks of different ages and periods, and a large asymmetric syncline, as perhaps its most significant...