Recent shell-bearing amoebae (tecamoebae) from Tiksi area, 2002 - surface or ...
Modern surface samples were taken in various years (2002, 2007, 2011, 2012) in Yakutia during joint Russian-German expeditions. On the one hand, longer transects were sampled... -
Recent shell-bearing amoebae (tecamoebae) from Pokhodsk, soil pits - differen...
Modern surface samples were taken in various years (2002, 2007, 2011, 2012) in Yakutia during joint Russian-German expeditions. On the one hand, longer transects were sampled... -
Freshwater tecamboebae abundance in different water bodies from a polygonal t...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Rhizopoda of sediment core PG-Kit-64
Analysed by Anatoly A Bobrov