Plasmodium vivax VIR Proteins are Targets of Naturally-Acquired Antibody and ...
P. vivax infection during pregnancy has been associated with poor outcomes such as anemia, low birth weight and congenital malaria, thus representing an important global health... -
Burden and Impact of Plasmodium Vivax in Pregnancy: A Multi-Centre Prospecti...
P. vivax is a major parasite responsible for malaria in humans. While it is well known that pregnant women have an increased risk of P. falciparum infection and disease, less is... -
Cytokine signatures of Plasmodium vivax infection during pregnancy and delive...
Plasmodium vivax malaria is a neglected disease, particularly during pregnancy. Severe vivax malaria is associated with inflammatory responses but in pregnancy immune... -
MalariaGEN aims to bring together malaria genetics with epidemiological information across both time and space. The project has two distinct but complementary goals to simplify...