Taxonomic composition of zooplankton and frequency of occurrence of the taxa ...
The presented species list of zooplankton is a summary of long-term observations that took place on the small river Stepnoy Zai, situated in the industrial zone of the Middle... -
Abundances in cladocera surface sediments of polygon tundra in the Kolyma Del...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Cladocera counts of sediment core from Lake Bayan Nuur
Cladocera analysis 25 samples from lake Bayan Nuur (Core BN2016-1) were prepared for сladoceran analysis using the methods described in Korhola and Rautio (2001,... -
Cladoceran remains from the bottom sediments of Lake Lebedinoe (Yamalo-Nenets...
Cladocerans are widely used as an indicator group in paleoecological studies: their exoskeleton remains accumulate in bottom sediments and can be helpful in inferring the... -
Subfossil Cladocera from a sediment core of small thermokarst Lake in Pechora...
Subfossil Cladocera remains were examined from small thermorkarst Lake 17-PE-03 (68.183967 N, 53.808247 E, Pechora Delta, Nenets Autonomous Region, Russia) from one core (48...