(Table 3) Mineral proportions and serpentine polymorphs of selected DSDP and ...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. <0.1 = traces. -
Detrital zircon geochronology data, petrographic point count data and paleocu...
Triassic turbidites of the Nanpanjiang basin of south China represent the most expansive and voluminous siliciclastic turbidite accumulation in south China. The Nanpanjiang... -
(Table 2) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-962...
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(Table 2) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-961...
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(Table 2) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-960...
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(Table 1) Distribution of organic particles in sediments of DSDP Site 159-959...
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(Table 3) Sand composition at DSDP Site 87-582
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(Table 4) Composition of turbidite and background samples at ODP Site 166-1007
Sediment depth is given as mbsf. The first Miocene sample was picked at a depth of 311.65 mbsf. -
(Table 3) Composition of turbidite and background samples at ODP Site 166-1003
Sediment depth is given as mbsf. The first Miocene sample was picked at a depth of 331.3 mbsf. -
(Table 4) Modal proportions of primary and secondary minerals in selected bas...
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(Table AT2) Petrology in point counts of ODP Hole 210-1276A, two ODP Leg 173 ...
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(Table 1) Measured and reconstructed primary modes of peridotites from ODP Ho...
Measured modes based on 1000 point per thin section (1215 points for 109-670A-9R-1,94-97). Grid spacing = 0.5 mm. <1 = traces. -
(Table 1) Clay mineralogy at DSDP Sites 86-576 and 86-578
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments deposited on the eastern and western sides of the Shatsky Rise show similar clay assemblages of chlorite, illite, mixed layers, smectite,... -
Lithic grain and mineral composition of sand and sandstones from the Japan an...
One hundred and twenty point counts of Oligocene to Recent sands and sandstones from DSDP sites in the Japan and Mariana intraoceanic forearc and backarc basins demonstrate that... -
Lithic grain and mineral composition of sand and sandstones from the North Pa...
Sand and sandstone compositions from different types of basins reflect provenance terranes governed by plate tectonics. One hundred and one thin sections of Upper Miocene to... -
(Table T2) Raw point-counts of volcaniclastic sands and sandstones from ODP L...
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(Table 2) Mineral abundances in ODP Leg 126 volcaniclastic sands
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(Table 2) Grain composition of sediments from ODP Hole 161-974B and from beac...
Miocene to Pleistocene sand and sandstone were recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 974 in the Tyrrhenian Basin and Sites 976 and 977 in the Alboran Basin. Sand detrital... -
Microcharcoal concentration and fire peak of the KTG core, Katingan, Central ...
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried... -
Microcharcoal concentration and fire peak of the KP peat core from the Kampar...
A multi-proxy palaeoecological investigation including pollen and spore, loss-on-ignition, total organic carbon, stable carbon isotope and micro- and macrocharcoal was carried...