Proximity Effect in Fe3O4:Pt Multilayers
The spin Seebeck effect is a newly discovered phenomenon that if harnessed, could result in a significant improvement of the efficiency of thermoelectric energy generators. Spin... -
Inducing Magnetic Order in Topological Insulators by Ferromagnetic Insulators
We intend to study a new class of materials known as 3D topological insulators. The electronic states in these materials have a non-trivial topology, different to almost all... -
Protein secretion: Studying the folding and assembly of membrane proteins usi...
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PNR study on the exchange bias propagation in the FM/AFM/FM trilayer with a t...
Today, a number of technological devices, such as the readout sensor in the hard disc drive, have used the exchange bias (EB) effect, which arises in a... -
Interfacial structures and competitive adsorption of amphiphilic millipede po...
Foam stability, appearance and functionality is governed by the thin liquid films between foam bubbles. These films are stabilised by surface active molecules (surfactants and... -
Probing Unconventional Spin Configurations in Molecular Interfaces
Only a few elements are ferromagnetic and the most common are iron, cobalt and nickel. These elements satisfy a condition, called the Stoner criterion, which determines whether... -
A depth-resolved study of magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroic PMN-PT/FeR...
Multiferroic systems allow the modulation of magnetic properties through electric potentials. Advances in engineering atomic interfaces of heterogeneous thin-films have enabled... -
Neutron reflectometry from surface of liquid 3He/4He film on silicon wafer
As it was predicted theoretically by Andreev at zero temperature for dilute 3He in 4He mixtures, 3He atoms will form a 2D Fermi liquid at liquid helium surface. Direct... -
Probing the magnetic interface in Bi2Se3/CoFeB bilayers by polarized neutron ...
Topological insulators (TIs) are quantum materials having insulating properties in bulk, but display gapless conducting surface states. These conducting surface electronic... -
Oriented antibody binding layers
The proposal concerns the assembly of high density antibody binding surfaces to increase the sensitivity of medical diagnostics. Previously we showed that antibody binding... -
Polarised Neutron Reflectivity investigation of Fe+ ion irradiated Fe-15at%Cr...
For Fusion energy applications FeCr ferritic martensitic steels are candidate structural materials due to their radiation resistance and good mechanical properties. Thus, the... -
Neutron reflectometry from surface of liquid 3He/4He film on silicon wafer
A superfluid helium film can host a variety of exotic quantum phenomena, such as the topological BerezinskiiKosterlitzThouless transition, Rollins film flow and Third sound.... -
On the ninety degree perpendicular domain wall in FePt/FeRh thin films.
Magnetic structures with an out of plane magnetic moment can be found in the latest generation hard disk drive. Interactions between a material with controllable out of plane... -
Investigation of interface magnetism in LSMO/LNO heterostructures
The exchange bias effect (EBE) initially observed at ferromagnetic (FM)/antiferromagnetic (AFM) interfaces in correlated rare earth oxides has been a topic of intense research... -
Remanence driven assembly of magnetic nanoparticles on a silicon wafer coated...
Ferrofluids are liquids having magnetic nanoparticles dispersed in a solvent and covered with surfactants to prevent them from agglomeration. The particles can form smectic like... -
Ferromagnetic Topological Insulators A Hot Topic
In the quest to find high-temperature ferromagnetic topological insulators (TIs), we have explored different transition-metal and rare-earth doped thin film and bulk samples... -
Magnetic properties of ultrathin spin-orbit coupled metal/ferromagnet heteros...
Recently, it has been predicted that spin-orbit coupled heavy normal metal (NM)/ferromagnet (FM) heterostructures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in proximity to a... -
Assembling floating, very sparsely tethered, bilayers.
The cell membrane is a very important structure in biology and many laboratory based model systems have been developed to study it using biophysical techniques. Our particular... -
Comparing the assembly of LPS into model Outer Membranes by Langmuir-Blodgett...
We have recently created and published a model of the Gram negative bacterial Outer membrane (OM) which recreates many aspects of its behaviour and will improve our ability to... -
Polarised Neutron Reflectivity investigation of Fe+ ion irradiated Fe-20at%Cr...
For Fusion energy applications FeCr ferritic martensitic steels are candidate structural materials due to their radiation resistance and good mechanical properties. The...