PoliticalMashup 1814-2012 - Members, Parties, Proceedings
A mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into an integrated experience. This political mashup brings together political information produced... -
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 2023 (DPES/NKO 2023)
The Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 2023 has been conducted by the Foundation of Electoral Studies in The Netherlands (Stichting Kiezeronderzoek Nederland; SKON). The Dutch... -
Reading the riots: interviews with people involved in the London riots 2011
This data archive contains 224 transcripts of participant testimonies of a sample of people involved in the disturbances referred to as the August 2011 English riots. The Beyond... -
Exploring the Frames of Altruistic Action, 2017-2019
The transcripts of 72 in-depth interviews conducted with volunteers active in different refugee support charities in London, Birmingham, Sheffield and the Midlands. The... -
Learning on the Streets: Urban Youth and Vending in Zimbabwe, 2019-2022
Existing scholarship on political socialisation has predominantly generated knowledge on ‘socialisation mechanisms’ in Western settings; about the role of family, peers,... -
Redressing Gendered Health Inequalities of Displaced Women and Girls in conte...
Women and young girls who are driven by necessity to leave their countries in Central and South America (often on basis of gendered threats such as sexual violence) face a range... -
Willingness to Boycott Russian Goods in China: How Political Ideology Shapes ...
Who is likely to engage in Anti-Russian boycotts in China? Existing literature on the subject focuses on ethnocentrism and nationalism as the main drivers of political... -
Attitude Towards Crime and Punishment in England and Wales, 1965-2023
What the general public thinks about crime and punishment is a vexed question. In an effort to bring systematic data to bear on this question, I have assembled the largest... -
From Russia with War: Interview Transcripts, 2022
'From Russia with War' is a collaborative research project that draws on years of pilot studies on violent mobilisation of non-state armed groups by research team members from... -
Government-Led Change: Interviews With UK and German MPs on Climate Change, 2...
This dataset is comprised of 65 elite interviews conducted between April 2023 and February 2024 in Germany and the United Kingdom. 64 of the interviews are with either current... -
EU Rights and Brexit Hub, 2020-2023
This is an interdisciplinary, inter-institutional, multi-method three-year project investigating how Brexit affects the social rights of EU & EEA nationals in the UK. It is... -
Ethnographic Research Data on the Criminalisation of Solidarity Work With Mig...
This ethnographic project aims to examine criminalizing and illegalizing processes targeting pro-migration activists and other citizens (e.g. volunteers, practitioners) in... -
Slovenski utrip 3/2011
V okviru sklopa vprašanj o demokraciji v Sloveniji se med drugim ugotavlja, kako prebivalci Slovenije gledajo na demokracijo. Ali ljudje sploh imajo Slovenijo za demokratično... -
Slovenski utrip 3/2012
V okviru sklopa vprašanj o demokraciji v Sloveniji se med drugim ugotavlja, kako prebivalci Slovenije gledajo na demokracijo. Ali ljudje sploh imajo Slovenijo za demokratično... -
Slovenski utrip 3/2013
V okviru sklopa vprašanj o demokraciji v Sloveniji se je med drugim ugotavljalo kako prebivalci Slovenije gledajo na demokracijo, ali imajo Slovenijo za demokratično družbo in... -
Slovenski utrip 3/2014
V okviru sklopa vprašanj o demokraciji v Sloveniji se med drugim ugotavlja, kako prebivalci Slovenije gledajo na demokracijo, ali ljudje sploh imajo Slovenijo za demokratično... -
Anketa o motivaciji za varovanje na spletnih socialnih omrežjih, 2018
Namen raziskave je preučiti dejavnike, povezane z motivacijo za zaščito uporabnikov na spletnih socialnih omrežjih. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako psihološko lastništvo,... -
Replication data for "Set on Competing: Contamination Effects and Parties’ En...
D’acord amb les teories Duvergerianes a llarg termini només els partits polítics viables s’haurien de presentar en solitari a les eleccions, mentre que els partits no viables... -
Social Survey Austria 1993 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the second wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions,... -
Economic Policy Survey 1952
Topic: Economic policy survey Probability Interview