Nouveaux mouvements sociaux et espace public: base de données des articles co...
The project is inspired by Habermas's conception of public space, where a debate - critical or not - is instituted on public policies and the discussion on the function and... -
Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS) Module I - Cumulative Dataset 2005 - 2012
The Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS) is a response to the growing number of candidate surveys in the Anglo-saxon world and beyond. The rational of the CCS is to harmonise... -
VOTO Studies: Standardized Post-Vote Surveys, 2016-2020
Mandated by the Federal Chancellery, the research project VOTO analyses after each federal ballot the voting decisions of Swiss citizens. For this purpose, VOTO surveys about... -
Conceptions and Practices of Democracy Among Global Activists
This project focused upon forms of participatory democracy elaborated ‘from below’ and implemented both in the internal organization of social movements and in experiments with... -
VOTO 9: Swiss Popular Vote 25.11.2018
Im Auftrag der Bundeskanzlei untersucht das Forschungsprojekt VOTO nach jeder eidgenössischen Abstimmung, was die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Schweiz zu ihrem Entscheid bewogen... -
Politische Aktivierungsereignisse in der Schweiz in den Jahren zwischen 1945 ...
The study addressed political activation issues, forms of activation, promoters and success of activation processes in Switzerland between 1945 and 1978. Activation events as... -
Thüringen-Monitor 2000-2023
The Thüringen-Monitor is a representative population survey on political culture in the Free State of Thuringia that has been held annually since 2000. It contains fixed and... -
Crisis Monitor (Week 8/2024)
The Crisis Monitor has been conducted regularly by the opinion research institute forsa on behalf of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government since calendar... -
Long-term Panel 2002-2005-2009 (GLES 2009)
Political Issues. Political Attitudes and Behavior. Politische Fragen (Issues). Politische Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen. Frageprogramm seit 2002: aktuelle, retrospektive... -
Long-term Panel 2005-2009-2013 (GLES)
Politische Fragen (Issues). Politische Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen. Themen des Frageprogramms 2005: Demokratiezufriedenheit; Politikinteresse (politisches Interesse);... -
German Internet Panel, Wave 15 (January 2015)
The German Internet Panel (GIP) is an infrastructure project. The GIP serves to collect data about individual attitudes and preferences which are relevant for political and... -
euandi (General Population Survey) - User Profiles in the 2014 European Elect...
Users´ position on 30 political issues: (a) Welfare, family and health: welfare programmes maintained even if taxes increase, social assistance for EU immigrants, reduction of... -
Youth and Right-Wing Extremism 1990
Attitudes to foreigners and extreme political organizations as well as opinions on the social turning point in the GDR. Topics: Condition before and after the turning point;... -
Consciousness Development and Social Activity of Young People 1970
Knowledge and attitudes to social development in the GDR, future concepts until the year 2000, social activities. Topics: Interest in and expectations of development until the... -
Monday Demonstration in Leipzig on 12 Feb. 1990
Goals of the demonstration, future expectations, threats experienced from social development, attitude to German-German unification, danger of neofascism. Topics: Evaluation of... -
Effectiveness of Forms of Mass Political Education 1983
Goals in life, interest in politics and extent to which informed, participation in social activities, political attitudes. Topics: Goals in life (scale); frequency of FDJ events... -
Political Attitudes and Conduct of Young People 1985
Political attitudes, valuations and social activities, stand on securing peace and personal preparedness to defend the GDR, participation in FDJ work. Topics: Valuations on the... -
National Commemorative and Memorial Buchenwald 1989
Attitudes and history knowledge before and after trip to the Commemorative and Memorial Buchenwald as preparation for the Jugendweihe {ceremony of adulthood}. Topics:... -
Organization of Leisure Time among Schoolchildren 1977
World view as well as leisure interests and extent of leisure time, leisure activities and satisfaction with this. Topics: Evaluation of scientific surveys; leisure interests... -
Organization of Leisure Time among Young Workers 1977
World view as well as leisure interests and extent of leisure time, leisure activities and satisfaction with this. Topics: Evaluation of scientific surveys; leisure interests...