Politbarometer West 1991 (Cumulated Data Set)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Politbarometer East 1991 (Cumulated Data Set)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
German Schoolchildren in the Summer 1990 (German-German Schoolchildren Surve...
Moral orientations, goals in life, information habits, understanding of democracy, trust in institutions, national identity and nationalism. Attitude to unification of Germany.... -
Politbarometer 1977 (Cumulated Data Set)
The Politbarometer has been conducted since 1977 on an almost monthly basis by the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on behalf of the Second German Television (ZDF). Since 1990, this... -
Attitudes on Current Questions of Domestic Policy (1993)
Attitudes to current topics of domestic policy. Topics: Satisfaction with democracy; party preference; behavior at the polls in the last Federal Parliament election; trust in... -
Attitudes to Jews and other Minorities
Attitude to Jews and other minorities. Topics: Attitude to West Germans/East Germans, gipsies, Arabs, Vietnamese, Turks, Poles, Africans and Jews as neighbors; provocative... -
Youth '94
Ideas of young people on politics, society, government, nation and democracy. Attitudes to nationalism and foreigners. Media usage. Topics: preferred decade in which to grow up... -
Comparative Manifestos Project (Programmatic Profiles of Political Parties i...
Content analysis of 1018 election programs in 20 countries. Topics: Content analysts formed 56 topic categories that can be summarized in seven political areas. On the basis of... -
Young People and Young Adults in Germany 1995
The situation of young people in East and West Germany and attitudes to questions relevant to young people and political questions. Topics: Most important problems of the... -
Authoritarianism and Society: Comparative Youth Investigations
Authoritarianism among young people. Topics: General authoritarianism scale; Kern authoritarianism scale; respect for non-specific authority, government authority and parental... -
Political Cultures in United Germany 1992
Attitude to democracy and the political system. Changes through unification. Topics: Friendship contacts in the GDR before the turning point; new friendships since the turning... -
Political Resonance 1996
Attitudes to the political system. Topics: Moral orientation and important things in life (scale); participation at the last Federal Parliament election; behavior at the polls... -
Political Cultures in United Germany 1993
Attitude to democracy and the political system. Changes from unification. Topics: personal judgement on reunification at the time of survey; judgement on the last few years of... -
Study on Antisemitism in Germany
Attitude to Jews. Topics: Estimated number of Jewish fellow-citizens in the Federal Republic; perceived positive or negative changes in the general attitude to Jews; attitude to... -
Youth Study (Right-Wing Extremism among Young People)
Einstellung zu rechtsradikalen politischen Vorstellungen. Themen: Einschätzung von Hitler als großem Staatsmann; Einstellung zu Juden; Einstellung zur Diktatur als Staatsform;... -
Role of Government and Slovenian Public Opinion 1989
Functions and tasks of the state. Topics: 1. Citizen rights: law-abidingness and selected forms of protest against the government; freedom of speech and freedom of the press... -
The Post Communist Citizen East Germany 1992
Political culture, political and economic orientations during the transition to democracy. Topics: Political activities; watching news on TV; reading newspaper articles about... -
Polish General Social Survey 1992-1999
Trends and consequences of the social change; individual attitudes, values, orientations and social behavior. Cumulative data set. Topics: Job status; labor situation; social... -
Consolidation of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe 1990-2001: Cumulatio...
Current state of the democratic consolidation in the newly implemented democracies. Topics: Political activities: discussions, convince friends, work in community, political... -
German Federal State Election Studies - Integrated Dataset 1964-2004
Kumulierter Datensatz der Studien zu den Landtagswahlen, Bürgerschaftswahlen und den Wahlen zum Abgeordnetenhaus in verschiedenen Bundesländern von 1962 bis 2004. Themen:...