Airborne polychlorinated biphenyl congeners effective volumes collected using...
Individual PCB congener effective volume (m3) (Herkert et al., 2016) -
Airborne polychlorinated biphenyl congeners masses from New Bedford, MA, 2015...
Individual PCB congener mass detected in polyurethane foam passive air sampler (i.e., PUF-PAS) using GC-MS/MS Values = 0 indicates non-detected These masses have not been... -
Airborne polychlorinated biphenyl congeners limits of detection using polyure...
Determination of LOQ for individual PCB congeners obtained from 13 and 5 blank PUFs for sampling periods 1-3 and sampling period 4, respectively, analyzed as samples Blank PUFs... -
Polychlorinated biphenyl concentration in air obtained using passive samplers...
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