"Differential Gene Expression during Substrate Probing in the Caribbean Coral...
This study conducted a transcriptomics analysis on the transition from non-probing to substrate- probing in larvae of the Caribbean brooding coral Porites astreoides (Walker et... -
Porites astreoides Genome sequencing and assembly
Filtered and unfiltered genome assembly and raw RNAseq reads of the shallow coral, Porites astreoides. -
Atlantic Coral Transcriptome and Gene Expression Sequencing
Transcriptomes sequenced for four Atlantic coral species in order to generate a reference sequences to align gene expression samples following experimental exposures to... -
RNASeq Data of Five Coral Species from a Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease Tran...
Raw RNAseq data of Colpophyllia natans, Orbicella annularis, Pseudodiploria strigosa, Porites astreoides, and Montastraea cavernosa colonies experimentally exposed to Stony... -
Gene expression response to thermal stress of the coral, Porites astreoides, ...
Tag-based RNA-seq was used to profile global gene expression in inshore and offshore P. astreoides adults and their juvenile offspring in response to a 14-day heat stress, and... -
Investigating fine-scale population structure of Caribbean coral species with...
We used reduced representation (2bRAD) genotyping to compare the genetic structure of Caribbean brooding and broadcasting coral species along the southeastern coast of the... -
RNA-seq of Seven Caribbean Coral:Coral Tissue
Seven Caribbean coral (5 replicates/species) were exposed to White plague in a controlled laboratory setting for up to seven days. These coral species included Orbicella... -
Bacterial associates of two Caribbean coral species reveal species-specific d...
Samples were collected in order to document the bacterial ribotype (16S rRNA gene) diversity associated with the SML of healthy Montastraea faveolata and Porites astreoides... -
Behavioral Genomics of Porites astreoides larval preference for settlement cues
This project examined global gene expression responses of larvae exposed to chemical cues of varying preference. -
RNA-Seq reads of shallow and mesophotic adults and larvae of the coral Porite...
This project aims to examine genetic characteristics of P. astreoides planulae and adults from shallow (10 m) and mesophotic (45 m) reefs, to assess the vertical genetic... -
Porites astreoides raw TagSeq reads
This study evaluated global gene expression profiles of coral hosts and their associated algal symbionts (Symbiodinium spp) in response to a reciprocal transplantation... -
Genetic and epigenetic variation in Porites spp. reef corals
These are demultiplexed reads from a single lane of Illumina sequencing. They consist of ddRADseq and EpiRADseq reads for Porites spp. corals collected in Belize, with the goal... -
Phylogenomics of Anthozoa: New Approaches to long-standing problems
Sequence data were captured using a targeted enrichment approach for UCEs and exons. -
Novel Alphaflexiviridae Genomes Associated with Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disea...
RNA-seq data from healthy, SCTLD-exposed, and SCTLD-infected coral samples taken from a transmission experiment carried out in the US Virgin Islands. -
Genetic and epigenetic variation in Porites spp. reef corals *2*
These are demultiplexed reads from a single lane of Illumina sequencing. They consist of ddRADseq and EpiRADseq reads for Porites astreoides corals collected in Belize, with the... -
Gene expression of reef-building corals and algal symbionts
Gene expression data for 3 reef-building coral host species and their algal symbionts. Corals underwent a 25-month in situ common garden transplant experiment in which corals... -
A mechanistic understanding of calcification in Puerto Rican coral reefs
This study integrates molecular level physiology, imaging, and field studies of live corals and their endosymbionts to better understand the process of calcification and the... -
Gene family evolution of Caribbean coral
Gene family complexity and its influence of expression dynamics has long been theorized to be an important source of adaptation in natural systems through providing novel... -
Coral holobiont Transcriptome or Gene expression
The study's primary objective was to determine the immune responses of corals to infection. We use 4 Caribbean corals (Orbicella faveolata, Porites astreoides, Porites porites... -
Gene expression response of Porites astreoides larval families to sublethal h...
Larvae from different maternal colonies originating from an inshore and an offshore reef in the Lower Florida Keys, USA were subjected to 4 days of sublethal heat stress (32C)...