RNA-seq of Seven Caribbean Coral:Coral Tissue
Seven Caribbean coral (5 replicates/species) were exposed to White plague in a controlled laboratory setting for up to seven days. These coral species included Orbicella... -
Phylogenomics of Anthozoa: New Approaches to long-standing problems
Sequence data were captured using a targeted enrichment approach for UCEs and exons. -
Gene expression of reef-building corals and algal symbionts
Gene expression data for 3 reef-building coral host species and their algal symbionts. Corals underwent a 25-month in situ common garden transplant experiment in which corals... -
Coral holobiont Transcriptome or Gene expression
The study's primary objective was to determine the immune responses of corals to infection. We use 4 Caribbean corals (Orbicella faveolata, Porites astreoides, Porites porites... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and physiological metrics and gene expression re...
We examined gene expression responses of >2-year coral transplant experiment to ambient and low pH common garden sites of three species of reef-building corals (Porites... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification, survival, concentrations of S...
Coral calcification is expected to decline as atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration increases. We assessed the potential of Porites astreoides, Siderastrea siderea and... -
Coral species abundance on nearshore lagoonal reefs on the Belize Mesoamerica...
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