Polymerisation of Styrene in PEI-Surfactant Films on Si Wafers
We have been studying the formation of solid polymer-surfactant films formed from cationic surfactants with PEI. We wish to use the highly organised mesostructures formed in the... -
Competitive adsorption in hydrophobin-surfactant mixtures
Hydrophobins are small compact secreted fungal proteins which are strongly surface active and adhere to both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. Their strong surface activity... -
Determining the Induced Magnetism in Graphene by High-Angle Polarised Neutron...
The aim of this proposal is to measure the induced magnetic moment in graphene arising from the proximity effect in the vicinity of a ferromagnetic substrate using high-angle... -
Neutron Diffraction Measurement of Residual Stress in the Seam Weld of an UOE...
Approved proposal under the ICRD Scheme Proposal ICRD0018